首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Overstory and shrub effects on natural regeneration processes in native Pinus radiata stands

Overstory and shrub effects on natural regeneration processes in native Pinus radiata stands


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Native Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stands on the Monterey peninsula have been significantly modified by natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The exclusion of fire and the introduction of pitch canker (caused by Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donnell) created a need for the examination of these changing ecosystems with respect to regeneration, especially as these stands reach mature ages. We established 210 plots on 35 transects distributed throughout five stands in order to describe the current stand structure and quantify the extent and condition of regeneration. The results indicated that Monterey pine seedling establishment varies throughout the peninsula depending on percent canopy cover, duff and litter depth, and percent shrub cover while seedling growth is influenced by percent shrub cover. Canopy cover was also found to inversely influence shrub cover. Our study highlights the importance of understory removal to increase Monterey pine regeneration and seedling growth as canopy cover decreases, especially in areas where coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) and poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum E. Greene) are abundant.
机译:蒙特雷半岛上的天然蒙特雷松(Pinus radiata D.Don)受到自然和人为干扰的明显影响。排除火势和引入沥青腐烂病(由镰刀菌Nirenberg和O'Donnell引起),需要检查这些变化中的生态系统的再生能力,尤其是当这些林分达到成熟年龄时。我们在分布于五个林分的35个样带上建立了210个样地,以描述当前林分结构并量化再生的程度和条件。结果表明,蒙特雷松树幼苗的生长在整个半岛上都不同,这取决于树冠覆盖率,达芙和凋落物深度以及灌木覆盖率,而幼苗生长受到灌木覆盖率的影响。还发现冠层覆盖对灌木覆盖有反作用。我们的研究强调了随着林冠层的减少,清除林下植被对于增加蒙特利松树再生和幼苗生长的重要性,尤其是在沿海橡树(Quercus agrifolia Nee)和毒栎(Toxicodendron diversilobum E. Greene)丰富的地区。



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