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Mexico’s Oil and Gas Legislative Reforms Are Beginning, Analysts Report


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In what some North American analysts are calling “a monumental shift”, Mexico’s government, led by President Enrique Pen a, passed legislation in late December 2013 to open the country’s oil and gas markets to foreign investment. This has led to widespread enthusiasm about the prospects for new growth and participation in Mexico’s energy sector (See FR No. 2986, pp8-10). The 75-year-old oil and gas monopoly of Petro leos Mexicanos (Pemex) ended, as did the 53-year-old Comisio n Federal de Electricidad (CFE), which monopolized the country’s power generation and transmission lines. The reforms are only the beginning, however, as the “truly hard work looms ahead,” cautioned London-based consulting firm Control Risks (London-based firm) in a recent report, Mexico’s Second Revolution: Energy Reforms and Renewing National Infrastructure. Mexico has to face turning Pemex and CFE into market-driven entities in the next two years and creating a host of new, independent agencies that will be tasked to regulate the industries, and manage bidding, environmental quality, transport issues, and labor relations.
机译:在一些北美分析人士所说的“巨大转变”中,由总统恩里克·彭纳(Enrique Pen a)领导的墨西哥政府于2013年12月下旬通过了立法,以向外国投资开放该国的石油和天然气市场。这导致人们对新的增长前景和墨西哥能源部门的参与产生了广泛的热情(参见FR No. 2986,pp8-10)。拥有75年历史的墨西哥石油公司(Petro leos Mexicanos)(Pemex)的垄断结束了,拥有53年历史的联邦电力公司(CFE)也结束了,该公司垄断了该国的发电和输电线路。总部位于伦敦的咨询公司Control Risks(总部位于伦敦的公司)在最近的一份报告《墨西哥的第二次革命:能源改革与国家基础设施更新》中警告说,改革仅仅是开始,因为“艰苦的工作迫在眉睫”。墨西哥必须在未来两年内将Pemex和CFE转变为市场驱动型实体,并创建许多新的独立机构,以监管行业,管理招标,环境质量,运输问题和劳资关系。



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