首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Spatial pattern and species richness of boreonemoral forest understorey and its determinants - a comparison of differently managed forests.

Spatial pattern and species richness of boreonemoral forest understorey and its determinants - a comparison of differently managed forests.


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We compared patterns of understorey vegetation and abiotic factors in old-growth forests in central Estonia with low management intensity and young forests with high management intensity. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that disturbance gradient was the main axis of community variation, while local light availability (ISF, indirect site factor) and soil conditions (nitrate content) were also of some importance. Young stands demonstrated a significantly higher heterogeneity of vegetation with increased pattern diversity (1 - Jaccard similarity among 1 m x 1 m plots, also called beta diversity), variation in species richness and variation in the cover of both vascular plants and bryophytes. Young stands also showed a higher variation of soil nitrate content and lower average vascular plant cover. We concluded that the understorey vegetation in young stands with high intensity management is, contrary to our literature-based expectation, more heterogeneous in space than that in old stands with low management intensity. The relationship between environmental heterogeneity and diversity has been discussed extensively, but there is a scarcity of quantitative relationships documented in natural vegetation. We found that species richness in 4 m x 4 m plots was positively dependent on the variability of light availability (ISF) within plot. Pattern diversity was positively dependent on the variation of microtopography and the availability of direct radiation (DSF, direct site factor).
机译:我们比较了管理强度低的爱沙尼亚中部老龄林和管理强度高的幼林的植被不足和非生物因子的模式。典型的对应分析表明,扰动梯度是群落变化的主轴,而局部光照(ISF,间接位点因子)和土壤条件(硝酸盐含量)也很重要。年轻的林分显示出植被的异质性明显提高,其中包括模式多样性的增加(1 m x 1 m地块之间的1-Jaccard相似性,也称为β多样性),物种丰富度的变化以及维管植物和苔藓植物的覆盖率的变化。幼林还表现出较高的土壤硝酸盐含量变化和较低的维管植物平均覆盖率。我们得出的结论是,与基于文献的预期相反,高强度管理的年轻林分的底层植被比低强度管理的老林分的空间异质性更高。环境异质性与多样性之间的关系已被广泛讨论,但自然植被中缺乏定量关系的记载。我们发现,在4 m x 4 m的样地中物种丰富度与样地内光利用率(ISF)的变化呈正相关。模式的多样性与微观形貌的变化和直接辐射的可获得性(DSF,直接位点因子)成正比。



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