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Post-harvesting silvicultural treatments in logging gaps: A comparison between enrichment planting and tending of natural regeneration


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Despite greatly improved forest management in recent decades, long-term assessments show that if current harvesting volumes and cutting cycles are maintained, future volume yields of commercial species will decrease. A possible solution is to apply post-harvesting silvicultural treatments to increase the number of valuable trees. In this study we compared during 4 years two treatments: tending naturally established seedlings/saplings of commercial species in logging gaps, and enrichment planting + tending seedlings of commercial species. In both treatments, competition was artificially reduced by liberating each focal seedling/sapling from competitors (i.e. other tree seedlings/saplings, lianas, or herbs). The experiment was carried out in an area of ombrophilous dense forest managed by the Orsa Florestal forestry company in jar Valley, eastern Amazon, Brazil (01 degrees 09'S and 52 degrees 38'W). The company applies reduced-impact logging in a polycyclic silvicultural system. We sampled 64 2-year-old logging gaps (average area 427.2 m(2)). Thirty-four gaps were used for the planting + tending, 15 gaps underwent the tending treatment, and there were 15 gaps in the control treatment (i.e. no intervention). The tending treatment showed lower mortality rate, faster growth rate, and required less liberation from overstorey plants and lianas than the other two treatments. Half of the species responded positively to tending: the long-lived pioneers Goupia glabra and Laetia procera, and the partially shade-tolerant Dinizia excelsa, Tachigali myrmecophila, and Trattinnickia sp. Similarly to tending, individuals subjected to the enrichment planting + tending treatment also presented higher growth rates. Based on these results we recommend tending be applied to areas with sufficient natural regeneration of commercial species. Enrichment planting + tending should be applied when regeneration of commercial species is scare, ideally using species that have high initial growth rates, and high commercial or conservation value
机译:尽管近几十年来森林管理得到了极大改善,但长期评估表明,如果维持当前的采伐量和采伐周期,未来商业物种的产量将下降。一种可能的解决方案是应用采伐后的造林措施以增加珍贵树木的数量。在这项研究中,我们比较了在4年中的两种处理方法:在伐木间隙抚育商业树种的自然成熟幼苗/幼树,以及对商业物种进行富集种植+抚育树苗。在这两种处理中,通过从竞争者(即其他树苗/树苗,藤本植物或草药)中释放每种焦点苗/树苗来人为地减少竞争。该实验是在巴西东部亚马逊jar谷的Orsa Florestal林业公司经营的密密林密林地区进行的(01度09'和52度38'W)。该公司在多环营造林系统中应用了减震伐木。我们采样了64个2岁的伐木间隙(平均面积427.2 m(2))。种植+​​抚育使用了34个间隙,进行了抚育处理的有15个间隙,而对照处理中有15个间隙(即没有干预)。抚育处理显示出较低的死亡率,较快的生长速度,并且与其他两种处理相比,需要从高大的植物和藤本植物上解放较少。一半的物种对趋向反应良好:长寿的先驱古皮亚(Gupia glabra)和拉提亚procera(Laetia procera),以及部分耐荫的Dinizia excelsa,Tachigali myrmecophila和Trattinnickia sp。与抚育相似,经过富集种植+抚育处理的个体也表现出较高的生长速度。基于这些结果,我们建议将其应用于具有足够自然再生能力的商业物种。当商业物种难以再生时,应进行富集种植+抚育,理想情况下使用初始生长率高,商业或保护价值高的物种



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