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A centurial development of the North Sea fish megafauna as reflected by the historical Swedish longlining fisheries


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Historically, to compensate for declining catches, fishers have usually shifted from species characterized by high catch rate onto less easily caught species or have moved into new fishing grounds. Such shifts are poorly documented for areas with a long history of exploitation (i.e. North Sea) as they occurred long time before the start of the regular assessments of the marine resources. The Swedish longline fisheries in the Kattegat-Skagerrak and North Sea have a long history that spans over several centuries. These fisheries have historically targeted large demersal predator fish as ling (Molva molva), cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and skates (mainly Dipturus spp.). In this study, data from the Swedish longline fisheries from 1859 to 1960 have been collated. The data show that the geographical expansion of the fishery was extensive. At the turn of the 20th century, offshore longlining became concentrated north and west of the Shetlands and Hebrides, and after the WWII, the fishery expanded to Iceland and Rockall. In the offshore fishery, CPUE for the main target species, ling, remained stable, whereas for the other species, with the exception of tusk (Brosme brosme), CPUE showed a dramatic decline over time. In contrast, in the coastal longlining fishery, severe declines were revealed for all major target species except cod. We argue that the constant search for new fishing grounds in the Northeast Atlantic reflects a dwindling resource, where the fishermen kept the catch rates of ling high by travelling to more and more distant fishing grounds.
机译:从历史上看,为了弥补渔获量下降的趋势,渔民通常已将渔获率高的种类转移到不易捕捞的种类上,或者转移到新的渔场中。对于开采历史悠久的地区(即北海),这种变化的记录很少,因为这种变化发生在对海洋资源进行定期评估之前很长时间。瑞典在Kattegat-Skagerrak和北海的延绳钓渔业历史悠久,跨越了几个世纪。这些渔业在历史上一直以大型深海捕食性鱼类为目标,如岭(Molva molva),鳕鱼(Gadus morhua),大西洋大比目鱼(Hippoglossus hippoglossus)和滑冰(主要是Dipturus spp。)。在这项研究中,整理了1859年至1960年瑞典延绳钓渔业的数据。数据表明,渔业的地理范围广泛。 20世纪初,海上延绳钓开始集中在设得兰群岛和赫布里底群岛的西北,第二次世界大战后,渔业扩展到了冰岛和洛考尔。在近海渔业中,主要目标物种ling的CPUE保持稳定,而对于其他物种,除了象牙(Brosme brosme)以外,CPUE随时间显着下降。相反,在沿海延绳钓渔业中,除鳕鱼以外的所有主要目标物种均出现严重下降。我们认为,在东北大西洋不断寻找新的渔场反映了资源的减少,渔民通过前往越来越远的渔场来保持林鱼的捕获率高。



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