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Using logic to define the Aufbau–Hund–Pauli relation: a guide to teaching orbitals as a single, natural, unfragmented rule-set


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The general chemistry curriculum includes a prelude that consumes nearly all of the first semester and occupies the first third of the typical textbook. This necessary prelude to the main event is comparable in scope to precalculus though not broken out as a formal 'prechemistry' course. Atomic orbitals account for much of this preludeto- chemistry. By tradition, orbital theory is conveyed to the student in three disjunct pieces, presented in the following illogical order: the Pauli principle, the Aufbau principle, and Hund's rule. (Often the n + l rule is tossed into the mix as well, though with no fixed place in the scheme). In the early twentieth century, as various researchers announced new insights into the atom at unpredictable intervals, no one could have been faulted for teaching orbitals in such a manner, catch-as-catch-can. A hundred years on, the vestiges of that (presumed) practice look wrong, and are indefensible. In the approach advocated here, orbitals would be taught as a single hierarchical rule-set, with the parts coherently sequenced as Aufbau–Hund–Pauli (and with Madelung's n + l rule rehabilitated as part of Aufbau, no longer a free-floating mnemonic aid only). Logic aside, pragmatism offers its own argument for adopting this scheme: A tighter approach to Aufbau can lighten the 'prechemistry' burden significantly and bring the student that much sooner to chemistry itself.
机译:普通化学课程包括一个序言,该序言几乎消耗了第一学期的全部时间,占据了典型教科书的三分之一。主事件的必要前奏在范围上可以与微积分相提并论,尽管没有作为正式的“预化学”课程加以介绍。原子轨道占了这种前奏化学的大部分。按照传统,轨道理论按照以下三个不合逻辑的顺序分三个部分传递给学生:保利原理,奥夫鲍原理和洪德法则。 (尽管在方案中没有固定的位置,但通常也将n + l规则也混入其中)。二十世纪初,随着各种研究人员以不可预测的时间间隔宣布了对原子的新见解,因此,没有人会以捕捉到捕捉的方式教导原子轨道而犯错。一百年过去了,这种(假定的)做法的痕迹看起来是错误的,而且是不可辩驳的。在这里提倡的方法中,将轨道作为一个单独的层次规则集进行讲授,各部分的相关顺序为Aufbau–Hund–Pauli(并且Madelung的n + l规则已作为Aufbau的一部分进行了修复,不再是自由浮动的助记符)仅援助)。除了逻辑,实用主义为采用该方案提供了自己的论据:对Aufbau采取更严格的方法可以大大减轻“化学前期”的负担,并使学生更快地接触化学本身。



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