首页> 外文期刊>Forest Policy and Economics >Analysing governance modes and shifts - governance arrangements in Dutch nature policy. (Special Issue: Political theory for forest policy.)

Analysing governance modes and shifts - governance arrangements in Dutch nature policy. (Special Issue: Political theory for forest policy.)

机译:分析治理模式和转变-荷兰自然政策中的治理安排。 (特刊:森林政策的政治理论。)

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Governance is one of the most frequently discussed issues in contemporary policy science literature, and this has led to a wide variety of conceptualisations. However, few of these offer a typology that can be used to actually analyse governance. In this paper, we present such a typology. We distinguish governance modes and governance shifts and use Kooiman's governance conception as our main inspiration, elaborated with the help of the policy arrangement approach. This results in four ideal-type governance modes - hierarchical, closed co-, open co- and self governance - that are operationalised into four ideal-type governance arrangements. These arrangements differ from one another in terms of actors, power and interaction rules. In explaining governance shifts, we distinguish between old and new modes of governance and introduce three external change factors (adjacent policy arrangements, socio-political trends and shock events) and one internal factor (policy entrepreneurs) that can account for governance change. To prove the value of our framework, we apply it to a case, i.e. the rise of nature policy in the Dutch region Utrechtse Heuvelrug in the 1970s and 1980s. Besides providing insight into how to work with our framework, the results also reveal a rather paradoxical governance shift, i.e. from a new to an old mode, thus putting the much heralded shift "from government to governance" into perspective.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2011.04.001
机译:治理是当代政策科学文献中讨论最频繁的问题之一,这导致了各种各样的概念化。但是,这些提供的类型很少能用于实际分析治理。在本文中,我们介绍了这种类型。在政策安排方法的帮助下,我们区分了治理模式和治理转变,并以库伊曼的治理理念为主要灵感。这导致了四种理想类型的治理模式-分层,封闭式联合,开放式联合和自我治理-可以实施为四个理想类型的治理安排。这些安排在参与者,权力和互动规则方面彼此不同。在解释治理变化时,我们区分了新旧治理模式,并介绍了三个外部变化因素(相邻的政策安排,社会政治趋势和突发事件)和一个内部因素(政策企业家),这些因素可以解释治理变化。为了证明我们框架的价值,我们将其应用于一个案例,即1970年代和1980年代荷兰地区乌得勒支Heuvelrug自然政策的兴起。除了提供有关如何使用我们的框架的见解之外,结果还揭示了一个相当自相矛盾的治理转变,即从新模式到旧模式,从而将人们所预言的从“从政府到治理”的转变视为现实。Digital Object Identifier http: //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2011.04.001



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