首页> 外文期刊>Cahiers Agricultures >Adoption d'innovations agroforestieres a Barra do Turvo (Sao Paulo, Bresil)Adoption of agroforestry innovations in Barra do Turvo (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Adoption d'innovations agroforestieres a Barra do Turvo (Sao Paulo, Bresil)Adoption of agroforestry innovations in Barra do Turvo (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

机译:在Barra do Turvo(巴西圣保罗)采用农林业创新方法在Bara do Turvo(巴西圣保罗)采用农林业创新方法

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Agroforestry has been developed for six years in Barra do Turvo. In this district of the Vale do Ribeira, the poorest area of the State of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, these farming systems bring technical alternatives to the family agriculture in crisis facing many problems: drop of soil fertility, rigid environmental laws, shortage of land and difficulties with the commercialization of products. In 2002, less than 10% of family farms in the district were involved in the process of technical change towards agroforestry. Theses new farming systems are developed according to a model used in a similar context, in the Mata Atlantica (Brazilian Atlantic forest), which is degraded by agricultural activities. Agroforestry "based on regeneration" rests on the principle of plant species succession and aims at a sound management of natural resources. In Barra do Turvo, this model is often used in abandoned banana plantations but also on soils degraded by practices unadapted to sloping and erosion-prone lands. In other situations, the innovation is simply added to traditional farming systems (combination of trees and crops, improved fallows using Cajanus cajan, enriched forests). By means of a monthly survey of farms over one year, technico-economical and social impacts of the introduction of these systems were evaluated. Farmers have developed different strategies regarding innovation: some of them have mastered the agroforestry techniques of the model, sometimes transforming the products of agroforestry; others are producers in transition who combine crops and agroforestry techniques or use agroforestry to diversify their livelihood systems. Finally, some farmers are only interested in agroforestry to get resources from the project and a means of commercialization. The agroforestry project provides farmers with a regular income. The income of farmers without cows or of farmers who are in the process of capital accumulation with animals is improved but work productivity is not greater than in shifting cultivation. However, the introduction of agroforestry is economically risky because above all it requires a lot of work. In addition, the average cost of implanting agroforestry is lower than the cost of systems that have the same aim of covering the soil. As for the social impact, new jobs are created. Also, farmers are becoming more aware of environmental issues. However, at the same time inter-generation conflicts and exclusion appear. On the other hand, farmers' networks are activated or re-activated (mutual aid groups working in agroforestry and organizations of producers for commercialization): meeting and discussion places are created, which is very favorable for mobilizing of knowledge and for creating new common norms. In conclusion, this study of impacts shows that subsidizing agroforestry is legitimate in pursuing sustainable development. But it also shows the many deficiencies of the agroforestry project. The actual access to markets should be re-enforced, involving as much as possible the producers in searching new ways of commercialization. It is also important to re-enforce the technical follow-up and to better exploit local biodiversity and new vegetal species to be introduced. Finally, it is essential to guarantee the right of using the native species that are present in the future agroforests to ensure the sustainability of these perennial systems.
机译:巴拉·特沃(Barra do Turvo)的农林业发展了六年。在巴西圣保罗州最贫困地区的Vale do Ribeira区,这些农业体系为面临危机的家庭农业带来了技术替代方案,面临许多问题:土壤肥力下降,严格的环境法,土地短缺以及产品商业化的困难。 2002年,该地区不到10%的家庭农场参与了向农林技术的转变。这些新的耕作系统是根据类似情况下在马塔大西洋(巴西大西洋森林)中使用的模型开发的,该模型因农业活动而退化。以再生为​​基础的农林业以植物物种继承的原则为基础,旨在对自然资源进行合理管理。在Barra do Turvo中,该模型通常用在废弃的香蕉种植园中,但也用在因不适合坡度和易侵蚀土地的耕作而退化的土壤上。在其他情况下,将创新内容简单地添加到传统的耕作系统中(树木和农作物的结合,使用Cajanus cajan改善休耕地,丰富的森林)。通过对一年以上农场的每月调查,评估了引入这些系统的技术,经济和社会影响。农民针对创新制定了不同的策略:其中一些人已经掌握了该模式的农林业技术,有时会改变农林业的产品。其他人则是转型中的生产者,他们将农作物和农林业技术相结合,或者利用农林业使他们的生计系统多样化。最后,一些农民只对农林业感兴趣,可以从该项目中获得资源并实现商业化。农林业项目为农民提供了固定收入。没有奶牛的农民或正在与动物进行资本积累的农民的收入得到了改善,但劳动生产率不比轮作中的更高。但是,引进农林业在经济上是有风险的,因为首先需要大量的工作。此外,种植农林业的平均成本要低于旨在覆盖土壤的相同目标的系统成本。至于社会影响,创造了新的就业机会。此外,农民也越来越意识到环境问题。但是,与此同时,代际冲突和排斥也出现了。另一方面,农民的网络被激活或重新激活(在农林业中的互助小组和用于商业化的生产者组织):建立了会议和讨论场所,这对于调动知识和建立新的共同规范非常有利。 。总之,这项对影响的研究表明,补贴农用林业在追求可持续发展方面是合法的。但这也显示了农林业项目的许多缺陷。应该加强实际的市场准入,使尽可能多的生产者参与寻找新的商业化方式。加强技术跟进并更好地利用当地生物多样性和将要引进的新植物物种也很重要。最后,必须确保使用未来农林中存在的本地物种的权利,以确保这些多年生系统的可持续性。



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