首页> 外文期刊>Biochemical Systematics and Ecology >Genetic diversity and population structure of endangered endemic Paeonia jishanensis in China and conservation implications

Genetic diversity and population structure of endangered endemic Paeonia jishanensis in China and conservation implications


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Paeonia jishanensis, one of the most important ancestral species of cultivated tree peonies, is an endangered ornamental and medicinal plant endemic to China. A total of 236 individuals of P. jishanensis from 10 extant populations were analysed using 21 EST-SSR markers to assess their genetic diversity and population structure. Moderate genetic diversity levels (H-E = 0.340) and high genetic differentiation among populations (F-ST = 0.335) were revealed. Combining the results of STRUCTURE, PCoA and neighbour joining analyses, the 10 populations were divided into four genetic groups that were significantly related to their geographical origins, which was further supported by hierarchical AMOVA showing the highest variation of 17.9% among groups. The Mantel test showed a significant positive correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance among populations (r = 0.873, P 0.0001). The genetic structure of P. jishanensis may be due to limited gene flow hindered by vicariance and its breeding system: facultative vegetative reproduction. This study carries significant implications for the conservation and utilization of this endangered species. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:ji山药是最重要的祖先栽培牡丹品种之一,是中国特有的濒危观赏植物和药用植物。利用21个EST-SSR标记对来自10个现存种群的236个吉山疟原虫进行了分析,以评估其遗传多样性和种群结构。揭示了中等的遗传多样性水平(H-E = 0.340)和种群之间的高度遗传分化(F-ST = 0.335)。结合STRUCTURE,PCoA和邻居加入分析的结果,将这10个种群分为与他们的地理起源显着相关的四个基因组,这得到了等级AMOVA的进一步支持,显示出各组之间最高的17.9%变异。曼特尔检验显示,人群之间的遗传距离与地理距离之间存在显着的正相关(r = 0.873,P <0.0001)。鸡山松的遗传结构可能是由于变异及其繁殖系统:兼性无性繁殖而阻碍了有限的基因流动。这项研究对这一濒危物种的保护和利用具有重要意义。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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