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Identifying use and non-use values of animal welfare: Evidence from Swedish dairy agriculture


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In this study, we sought to identify the use and non-use values that underlie farmers' decision making with respect to animal welfare, based on in-depth interviews with 50 dairy farmers in Sweden. We identified use values related to: being able to continue the business, earning a living from the business, not being tied to the farm (i.e. having time available for other things), product quality, and work environment. We also identified non-use values related to avoidance of suffering, being able to further improve the welfare of dairy cows, the dairy farmer feeling good him! herself, ethical considerations, a feeling of doing the right thing, and animals eating properly (i.e. functioning as dairy cows should). Understanding the values underlying dairy farmers' decision making with respect to animal welfare is an important step in understanding why these farmers work with animal welfare. The results are useful in improving communications from authorities and farm advisors to farmers, as a strategy to gain better acceptance for improved animal welfare standards; in designing product certification schemes in the food industry; and in communicating to the public the values influencing production of dairy products. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.orgflicenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
机译:在这项研究中,我们通过与瑞典50名奶农的深入访谈,找出了构成农民决策关于动物福利的使用和非使用价值。我们确定了与以下用途有关的使用价值:能够继续经营业务,从企业中谋生,与农场无关(即有时间用于其他事情),产品质量和工作环境。我们还确定了与避免痛苦有关的非使用价值,能够进一步提高奶牛的福利,奶农对他的感觉很好!她自己,道德上的考虑,做正确事的感觉以及适当进食的动物(即应充当奶牛)。理解奶农关于动物福利的决策依据的价值是理解为什么这些农民从事动物福利工作的重要一步。研究结果有助于改善当局和农场顾问与农民之间的沟通,以此作为更好地接受动物福利标准的战略;设计食品行业的产品认证计划;并向公众传达影响乳制品生产的价值。 (C)2014作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布。这是CC BY-NC-ND许可下的开放获取文章(http://creativecommons.orgflicenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)。



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