
The Last Word


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A few days ago myself and my colleagues went to the funeral of our long-time company administrator, Margaret Masson. She was known to many subscribers and other readers of Global Cement around the world. Margaret passed away after a valiant battle with cancer: her infectious laugh - more like a cheerful cackle - will be missed by us all. At Margarets funeral, one of the readings was 'Success' by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The poem gives a list of actions and reactions by which one might deem your life to have been a success, including to laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons; to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm; and to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived: "This is to have succeeded' says the poem.
机译:几天前,我本人和同事参加了我们长期任职的公司管理员玛格丽特·马森(Margaret Masson)的葬礼。世界各地的许多订阅者和《全球水泥》的其他读者都知道她。玛格丽特在与癌症进行了英勇的斗争后去世:她的传染性笑声-更像是欢快的咯咯声-我们所有人都会想念。在玛格丽特的葬礼上,其中之一就是拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的《成功》。这首诗列出了一系列行动和反应,人们可以通过这些行动和反应认为自己的生活是成功的,包括经常笑和爱很多。赢得聪明人的尊重;获得诚实评论家的称赞;欣赏美丽;寻找别人最好的东西;使世界变得更好;热情地玩耍和大笑;并知道甚至有一种生活因您活着而更加轻松自在:“这就是成功了。”这首诗说。



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