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Sampling the California pack trials: this month's review looks primarily at some of the new vegetative varieties


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In July, we looked at some of the exciting new seed varieties. This month, we'll look primarily at vegetative varieties, though a few seed varieties (31-34) have been included. The annual Pack Trials ave the breeder's showcase for displaying their new varieties, hopefully in the most favourable light compared with those of their competitors. The big surprise this year is the drastic reduction of seed propagated material. This trend already started last year. Ten years ago seed varieties would havebeen the norm, but now varieties are mostly vegetative. Previously the improved characteristics of a variety were based upon being short, early flowering, compact, and basal branching, but not too much. These growing characteristics were instigated so that 6 plants or more could fit in a pack measuring approximately 3.5" X 5", which occupied an area not much larger than a 4" pot. Trying to grow six petunias in a 4" pot equivalent needed very compact varieties. The early flowering was necessary because our consumer mentality, or more likely the buyer mentality was, "NO colour, NO sale." Colour is still desirable, but now other issues are important.
机译:7月,我们考察了一些令人兴奋的新种子品种。本月,我们将主要关注植物品种,尽管其中包括一些种子品种(31-34)。年度包装试验为育种者展示他们的新品种提供了一个展示台,希望与竞争者相比能够以最有利的方式展示它们。今年最大的惊喜是大幅减少了种子繁殖材料。这种趋势已于去年开始。十年前,种子变种就已经成为常态,但是现在,种子变种大多是植物性的。以前,该品种改良的特征是基于短,早开花,紧密和基础分支,但不是太多。鼓励这些生长特性,以便6个或更多的植物可以装在一个大约3.5英寸X 5英寸的包装中,该包装所占的面积不超过4英寸盆。试图在4英寸盆中种植六个矮牵牛非常需要紧凑的品种。早开花是必要的,因为我们的消费者心态或更可能是买方心态是“没有颜色,没有销售”。颜色仍然是理想的,但是现在其他问题也很重要。



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