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Marking plants a way of life


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Brian and Faye Minter have been operating garden stores in Chilliwack, B.C., for almost 30 years, They also have a 27-acre, world-class show garden, similar to Butchart Gardens. The Minters' success has been built on marketing plants as a valuable lifestyle product rather than a commodity. Last fall Brian was in Winnipeg to address garden centre and green-house operators attending the annual Prairie East Horticultural Trade Show and Conference. Minter's presentation focused on plants as entertainment. "For long-term growth and viability," he said, "the industry must increase the value of plants not only monetarily but, more importantly, reposition their value to Canadians from all walks of life." Minter first contrasted the European approach to plants with that of Canadian garden centre operators. European sellers and growers, he pointed out, have made plants a way of life. Plants are a must in every home and visitors always bring plants.
机译:Brian和Faye Minter在卑诗省奇利瓦克(Chilliwack)经营花园商店已有30年之久,他们还拥有一个27英亩的世界级表演花园,类似于Butchart Gardens。 Minters的成功建立在销售工厂的基础上,将其作为一种有价值的生活方式产品而非商品。去年秋天,布莱恩(Brian)在温尼伯(Winnipeg)致辞,出席了每年的草原东园艺贸易展览会和会议,向花园中心和温室经营者致辞。 Minter的演讲重点是娱乐性植物。他说:“为了实现长期增长和生存能力,该行业不仅必须从货币上增加植物的价值,而且更重要的是,必须将其价值重新定位于各行各业的加拿大人。” Minter首先将欧洲的植物种植方法与加拿大的花园中心经营者进行了对比。他指出,欧洲的卖方和种植者已经使植物成为一种生活方式。植物是每个家庭的必备品,游客总是带来植物。



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