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IOCs Relieved After US Waives Iran Sanctions


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International oil companies (IOCs) chasing upstream deals in Iran, such as Total and Royal Dutch Shell, can breathe a sigh of relief now that the administration of US President Donald Trump has extended a waiver on sanctions for another six months. And the IOCs could have more to cheer about if Iranian President Hassan Rohani, who is eager to have them back investing in the oil and gas sector, secures a second four-year term in Friday's elections. But there is every chance Rohani will fail to secure more than 50 of the votes, forcing a potential run-off in two weeks' time with his hardline challenger, Ebrahim Raisi.
机译:在伊朗寻求上游交易的国际石油公司(IOC),如道达尔和荷兰皇家壳牌,现在可以松一口气,因为美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的政府已将制裁豁免再延长六个月。如果伊朗总统哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rohani)渴望让他们重新投资石油和天然气行业,在周五的选举中获得第二个四年任期,国际奥委会可能会有更多的欢呼。但罗哈尼很有可能无法获得超过50%的选票,迫使他的强硬派挑战者易卜拉欣·莱西(Ebrahim Raisi)在两周内进行第二轮投票。




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