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On Tight Components and Anti-Tight Components


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A graph G = (V, E) is called factor-critical if G not equal O and G -v has a perfect matching for every vertex v. V(G). A factor-critical graph G is tight (anti-tight, respectively) if for any v. V(G), any perfect matching M in G -v, and any e. M, | N(v) n V(e)| boolean AND= 1 (| N(v) n V(e)| not equal 2, respectively), where N(v) denotes the neighborhood of v and V(e) denotes the set of vertices incident with e. A graph G is minimally anti-tight if G is anti-tight but G -e is not anti-tight for every e. E(G). In this paper, we prove that a connected graph is tight iff every block of the graph is an odd clique, and that every minimally anti-tight graph is triangle-free.
机译:如果G不等于O并且G -v对每个顶点v。V(G)都有完美的匹配,则图G =(V,E)被称为关键因子。如果对于任何v.V(G),G -v中的任何完美匹配M以及任何e,因子关键图G都是紧密的(分别是反紧密的)。 M, N(v)n V(e)|布尔AND = 1(分别等于|| N(v)n V(e)|不等于2),其中N(v)表示v的邻域,而V(e)表示与e入射的一组顶点。如果G是反紧的,则图G的反紧缩为最小,但G -e并非对每个e都是反紧的。例如)。在本文中,我们证明了连通图是紧的,前提是该图的每个块都是奇数集团,并且每个最小的反紧图都是无三角形的。



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