首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Contrasting physiological responsiveness of establishing trees and a C4 grass to rainfall events, intensified summer drought, and warming in oak savanna

Contrasting physiological responsiveness of establishing trees and a C4 grass to rainfall events, intensified summer drought, and warming in oak savanna


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AbstractClimate warming and drought may alter tree establishment in savannas through differential responses of tree seedlings and grass to intermittent rainfall events. We investigated leaf gas exchange responses of dominant post oak savanna tree (Quercus stellata and Juniperus virginiana) and grass (Schizachyrium scoparium, C4 grass) species to summer rainfall events under an ambient and intensified summer drought scenario in factorial combination with warming (ambient, +1.5 C) in both monoculture and tree-grass mixtures. The three species differed in drought resistance and response of leaf gas exchange to rainfall events throughout the summer. S. scoparium experienced the greatest decrease in Aarea (-56% and -66% under normal and intensified drought, respectively) over the summer, followed by Q. stellata (-44%, -64%), while J. virginiana showed increased Aarea under normal drought (+13%) and a small decrease in Aarea when exposed to intensified summer drought (-10%). Following individual rainfall events, mean increases in Aarea were 90% for S. scoparium, 26% for J. virginiana and 22% for Q. stellata. The responsiveness of Aarea of S. scoparium to rainfall events initially increased with the onset of drought, but decreased dramatically as summer drought progressed. For Q. stellata, Aarea recovery decreased as drought progressed and with warming. In contrast, J. virginiana showed minimal fluctuations in Aarea following rainfall events, in spite of declining water potential, and warming enhanced recovery. J. virginiana will likely gain an advantage over Q. stellata during establishment under future climatic scenarios. Additionally, the competitive advantage of C4 grasses may be reduced relative to trees, because grasses will likely exist below a critical water stress threshold more often in a warmer, drier climate. Recognition of unique species responses to critical global change drivers in the presence of competition will improve predictions of grass-tree interactions and tree establishment in savannas in response to climate change.
机译:摘要气候变暖和干旱可能通过树木幼苗和草丛对间歇性降雨事件的不同响应来改变热带稀树草原的树木生长。我们调查了在环境和夏季干旱加剧的情况下,因子分解与变暖相结合(环境,+ 1.5 C)在单一栽培和草木混合物中均如此。这三个物种在整个夏季的抗旱性和叶片气体交换对降雨事件的响应方面有所不同。夏季,S。scoparium的面积下降幅度最大(分别在正常干旱和强烈干旱下分别为-56%和-66%),其次是S. stellata(-44%,-64%),而J. virginiana显示有所增加正常干旱下的面积(+ 13%),暴露于夏季干旱下的面积略有下降(-10%)。在个别降雨事件之后,S。scoparium的平均面积增加了90%,J。virginiana的增加了26%,S。stellata的增加了22%。 S. scoparium区域对降雨事件的响应最初随干旱的开始而增加,但随着夏季干旱的进行而急剧下降。对于Q.stellata,随着干旱的进行和气候变暖,面积恢复率下降。相比之下,尽管水势下降,并且变暖促进了恢复,但弗吉尼亚州的J. virginiana在降雨事件后的区域内波动最小。在未来的气候条件下,J。virginiana在建立过程中可能会比Stellata更具优势。此外,C4草的竞争优势可能会相对于树木降低,因为在温暖,干燥的气候下,草可能会更经常地存在于临界水分胁迫阈值以下。在存在竞争的情况下,认识到对关键的全球变化驱动因素的独特物种反应将改善对热带稀树草原草木相互作用和树木响应气候变化的预测。



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