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Nova Scotia—where it all began: Larry Lutz will welcome IFTA members to Nova Scotia

机译:新斯科舍省-一切由此开始:拉里·卢茨(Larry Lutz)将欢迎IFTA成员加入新斯科舍省

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So, this is where it all began—the North American apple industry, that is. Apples have been grown in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley since the French explorer Samuel de Champlain first settled at what is now Annapolis Royal in 1605. This was the firstpermanent European settlement in North America north of Florida. The British later took the province, and the French settlers (known as Acadians) were forcibly expelled. Nova Scotia was later resettled by British, Dutch, German, and American immigrants.The largest single influx of settlers (35,000) was from New England at the end of the American Revolution—people loyal to the British Crown who wished to stay in the New World. When these first French settlers arrived in the New World, it is speculatedthat they brought apple trees or seed with them. Their intention was not to produce shiny dessert apples, but rather to grow apples as a source of alcoholic cider to make the long winters pass more quickly. Apples also provided a source of vitamin C toward off scurvy. These are thought to be the first apple trees planted in North America, long before the larger apple-growing areas of North America were ever settled.
机译:因此,这就是一切的开始-就是北美苹果产业。自法国探险家塞缪尔·德·尚普兰(Samuel de Champlain)于1605年首次定居在现在的安纳波利斯皇家酒店以来,就在新斯科舍省的安纳波利斯山谷种植了苹果。这是北美洲在佛罗里达州以北的永久性欧洲定居地。后来,英国人占领了该省,法国定居者(称为阿卡迪亚人)被强行驱逐出境。新斯科舍省后来被英国,荷兰,德国和美国移民重新安置。最大的移民定居者(35,000)来自美国独立战争结束后的新英格兰,忠于英国王室的人们希望留在新英格兰。世界。据推测,当这些最早的法国定居者到达新大陆时,他们带来了苹果树或种子。他们的目的不是生产闪亮的甜品苹果,而是种植苹果作为酒类苹果酒的来源,以使漫长的冬季过得更快。苹果还为坏血病提供了维生素C的来源。这些被认为是北美最早的苹果树,早在北美更大的苹果种植区定居之前。



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