首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Formulation of long-acting nifedipine tablets influences the heart rate and sympathetic nervous system response in hypertensive patients.

Formulation of long-acting nifedipine tablets influences the heart rate and sympathetic nervous system response in hypertensive patients.


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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies are usually carried out separately with theoretical linking or interpretations. The pharmacokinetics of short- vs. long-acting formulations of nifedipine is well known, but the pharmacokinetics of different once-a-day formulations of nifedipine is generally not well known by the practising physician. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This study provides practical patient-based information linking pharmacokinetics to pharmacodynamics in one of the target populations of patients, those with hypertension, who might receive the two different drugs. AIMS The haemodynamic responses to nifedipine vary between short- and long-acting formulations. However, the latter have not been compared despite marked differences in their constitution. Our 1-month randomized, crossover study was designed to compare the 30-mg osmotic, constant-release nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system (N-GITS) with an encapsulated mini-tablet Coracten XL. METHODS: Forty-four hypertensive patients aged 63 +/- 7 years were studied. The formulation was changed on day 15 and (for a single dose) day 30. At days 0, 14, 15, 29 and 30, patients were monitored for 6 h after dosing, during which blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and plasma levels of norepinephrine (NE) and nifedipine were measured. The primary outcome was the difference in plasma NE between formulations at the time of peak nifedipine level. RESULTS: Systolic BP decreased rapidly after the first dose of Coracten, achieving nadir at 5 h. HR rose by 1.2 +/- 8.8 beats min(-1). After N-GITS HR fell by 2.4 +/- 7.7 beats min(-1) (P = 0.159). Plasma NE was higher in the Coracten- (480 +/- 38.3 pg ml(-1)) than N-GITS-treated patients (343 +/- 75.0 pg ml(-1)) at the time of peak nifedipine concentrations (4 and 5 h, respectively) and their change from baseline was significantly (P = 0.0046) different. A similar difference between the drugs was seen again at days 15 and 30, at 5 h after switching formulations. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that two different formulations of once-daily nifedipine result in different BP and plasma NE responses, and that switching between formulations causes opposite effects upon the sympathetic nervous response to falling BP.
机译:关于此主题的已知知识:药代动力学和药效学研究通常是通过理论联系或解释分别进行的。硝苯地平的短效和长效制剂的药代动力学是众所周知的,但执业医师通常不知道硝苯地平的每日一次不同制剂的药代动力学。该研究的内容:这项研究提供了基于患者的实用信息,该信息将可能接受两种不同药物的目标患者之一(高血压患者)的药代动力学与药效学联系起来。目的对硝苯地平的血流动力学反应在短效和长效制剂之间有所不同。然而,尽管其构成存在明显差异,但尚未对后者进行比较。我们进行了为期1个月的随机交叉研究,旨在比较30毫克渗透压,恒定释放的硝苯地平胃肠道治疗系统(N-GITS)与胶囊化的迷你片剂Coracten XL。方法:研究了34名年龄在63 +/- 7岁的高血压患者。在第15天和(单次使用)第30天更换配方。在给药后的第0、14、15、29和30天,监测患者6小时,在此期间血压(BP),心率(HR) )和血浆中去甲肾上腺素(NE)和硝苯地平的含量。主要结果是硝苯地平水平达到峰值时,制剂之间血浆NE的差异。结果:第一次服用Coracten后,收缩压迅速下降,在5 h达到最低点。心率每分钟(1.2)上升1.2 +/- 8.8次在N-GITS之后,HR下降了2.4 +/- 7.7次心跳min(-1)(P = 0.159)。在硝苯地平浓度达到峰值时,Coracten-(480 +/- 38.3 pg ml(-1))患者的血浆NE高于N-GITS治疗的患者(343 +/- 75.0 pg ml(-1))(4)和分别为5小时和5小时),并且它们相对于基线的变化有显着差异(P = 0.0046)。转换配方后第5天的第15天和第30天,再次看到药物之间的相似差异。结论:这项研究表明,每日一次硝苯地平的两种不同配方导致不同的BP和血浆NE反应,并且在两种配方之间切换会对降血压的交感神经反应产生相反的影响。



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