首页> 外文期刊>Bioinspiration & biomimetics >Jumping robots: a biomimetic solution to locomotion across rough terrain

Jumping robots: a biomimetic solution to locomotion across rough terrain


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This paper introduces jumping robots as a means to traverse rough terrain; such terrain can pose problems for traditional wheeled, tracked and legged designs. The diversity of jumping mechanisms found in nature is explored to support the theory that jumping is a desirable ability for a robot locomotion system to incorporate, and then the size-related constraints are determined from first principles. A series of existing jumping robots are presented and their performance summarized. The authors present two new biologically inspired jumping robots, .Jollbot and Glumper, both of which incorporate additional locomotion techniques of rolling and gliding respectively Jollbot consists of metal hoop springs forming a 300 mm diameter sphere, and when jumping it raises its centre of gravity by 0.22 m and clears a height of 0.18 m. Glumper is of octahedral shape, with four 'legs' that each comprise two 500 mm lengths of CFRP tube articulating around torsion spring 'knees'. It is able to raise its centre of gravity by 1.60 m and clears a height of 1.17 m The jumping performance of the jumping robot designs presented is discussed and compared against some specialized jumping animals. Specific power output is thought to be the performance-limiting factor for a jumping robot, which requires the maximization of the amount of energy that can be stored together with a minimization of mass It is demonstrated that this can be achieved through optimization and careful materials selection.
机译:本文介绍了跳跃机器人作为穿越崎terrain地形的一种手段。这样的地形会给传统的轮式,履带式和腿式设计带来问题。探究了自然界中跳跃机制的多样性,以支持以下理论:跳跃是机器人运动系统具备的一种理想能力,然后根据第一原理确定与尺寸相关的约束。介绍了一系列现有的跳跃机器人并总结了它们的性能。作者介绍了两个新的受生物启发的跳跃机器人.Jollbot和Glumper,它们都结合了附加的滚动和滑行运动技术。Jollbot由形成直径为300 mm的球形金属弹力弹簧组成,跳跃时,它的重心会增加0.22 m并清除0.18 m的高度。凸出物为八面体形状,具有四个“腿”,每个“腿”包括两个500毫米长的CFRP管,围绕扭簧“膝盖”铰接。它能够将其重心提高1.60 m,并清除1.17 m的高度。讨论了所介绍的跳跃机器人设计的跳跃性能,并将其与某些特殊的跳跃动物进行了比较。特定的功率输出被认为是跳跃机器人的性能限制因素,它要求最大程度地存储能量并最小化质量。这表明可以通过优化和精心选择材料来实现。



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