首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Volcanology: Journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth s Interior >Coseismic changes in the chemical composition of volcanic gases from the Owakudani geothermal area on Hakone volcano, Japan

Coseismic changes in the chemical composition of volcanic gases from the Owakudani geothermal area on Hakone volcano, Japan


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The chemical and isotopic compositions of volcanic gases at a borehole and a natural fumarole in the Owakudani geothermal area, Hakone volcano, Japan, have been repeatedly measured since 2001, when a seismic swarm occurred in the area. The CO2/H2O and CO2/H2S ratios were high in 2001. It increased in 2006 and again in 2008 when seismic swarms occurred beneath the geothermal area. The observed increases suggest the injection of CO2- and SO2-rich magmatic gas into the underlying hydrothermal reservoir, implying that the magmatic gas was episodically supplied to the hydrothermal system in 2006 and 2008. The earthquake swarms probably resulted from the injection of gas through the shallow crust accompanying the break of the sealing zone.
机译:自2001年箱根火山大涌谷地热地区井筒和天然富马岩中的火山气体的化学和同位素组成自2001年以来就被重复测量,当时该地区发生了地震。在2001年,CO2 / H2O和CO2 / H2S的比率很高。2006年,当地热区域以下发生地震群时,CO2 / H2S的比率又有所上升。观测到的增加表明向下方的热液储层注入了富含CO2和SO2的岩浆气,这意味着岩浆气在2006年和2008年被向热液系统供应。伴随着密封区域破裂的浅壳。



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