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Carbon isotopes in aquatic plants, Long Valley caldera, California as records of past hydrothermal and magmatic activity


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Hot and cold springs contribute "dead" (C-14 free) dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the Owens River and Hot Creek. Headwaters aquatic plants have modem C-14, but live plants downstream of the intracaldera springs are depleted in C-14, (,, low as 19% modem, with apparent ages up to 13.3 kyrs). In an abandoned meander of the upper Owens River, preserved streambed plants are buried by 600 year old Inyo Craters pumice. Apparent C-14 ages of these plants exceed true ages by similar to 1100 years indicating that they also incorporated dead DIC as they grew. The preserved plants are downstream of Big Springs, whose elevated dead DIC may represent magmatic `CO2. The buried plants incorporated similar to 10% dead carbon, although modern plants here have similar to 50% dead carbon, suggesting that more magmatic CO, is now entering the upper Owens River than at the time of the Inyo Craters eruptions 600 years ago. [References: 20]
机译:温泉和冷泉向欧文斯河和霍特克里克贡献了“死”(无C-14)溶解的无机碳(DIC)。上游水生植物具有现代C-14,但火山口内泉水下游的活植物的C-14枯竭((低至19%现代,表观年龄高达13.3公斤)。在欧文斯河上游的一条废弃河道中,保存完好的河床植物被600岁的Inyo Craters浮石掩埋。这些植物的表观C-14年龄比真实年龄大了约1100年,这表明它们在生长时也加入了死DIC。保存完好的植物位于大泉的下游,大泉的死DIC可能代表岩浆`CO2。埋藏的植物的死碳含量接近10%,尽管这里的现代植物的死碳含量接近50%,这表明比600年前Inyo火山口爆发时,更多的岩浆CO进入了欧文斯河上游。 [参考:20]



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