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Cloud and radiative fields derived from GOES-8 during SUCCESS and the ARM-UAV spring 1996 flight series


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Cloud and radiative properties were derived for the southern Great Plains for April 9 - May 9, 1996 from GOES-8 to provide a large-scale context for SUCCESS and a dataset for mesoscale modeling of cirrus processes. The analyses indicate that cloudiness over the domain was below normal during April 1996. Thin cirrus with optical depths less than 6 was the predominant cloud type over much of the domain, however, providing a considerable number of measurement opportunities for the suite of SUCCESS instruments. Diurnal variation of cloudiness was substantial over the ARM southern Great Plains central facility. Total albedos were below normal because of the diminished thick cloudiness, while surface temperature and total longwave fluxes were relatively high. The data are on a 0.5 degrees grid and are available electronically. [References: 5]
机译:1996年4月9日至5月9日从GOES-8导出了大平原南部的云和辐射特性,为SUCCESS提供了大范围的背景信息,并为卷云过程的中尺度建模提供了数据集。分析表明,在1996年4月,该地区的云量低于正常水平。光学深度小于6的薄卷云是该地区大部分地区的主要云类型,但是,这套SUCCESS仪器提供了大量的测量机会。在ARM南部大平原中心地区,多云度的昼夜变化很大。总的反照率低于正常水平,因为减少了浓厚的浑浊,而表面温度和总的长波通量则相对较高。数据位于0.5度网格上,可通过电子方式获得。 [参考:5]



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