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Normal modes modelling of post-seismic ionospheric oscillations


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Since 1960, several experiments have shown strong perturbations of the ionosphere after earthquakes. For the biggest quakes, Doppler ionospheric soundings have revealed displacements of several tens of meter of the ionized layers E and F. An accurate modelling of these phenomena was however never described. We present here synthetic displacements of such oscillations and compare it with experimental data. Realistic models of the atmosphere including viscosity are used, as well as realistic Earth and seismic source model. These ionospheric oscillations are computed by normal modes summation taking explicitly into account the coupling between the solid Earth and the open atmosphere. They are associated to the Rayleigh fundamental surface waves. We obtain a good agreement between synthetics and observations, so it should be possible to use this method to study the ionospheric postseismic perturbations and possibly the high altitude profile of the density and the viscosity of the atmosphere. [References: 14]
机译:自1960年以来,一些实验表明地震后电离层的强烈扰动。对于最大的地震,多普勒电离层测深揭示了电离层E和F数十米的位移。但是,从未描述这些现象的精确模型。我们在这里介绍这种振荡的合成位移,并将其与实验数据进行比较。使用了包括粘度在内的逼真的大气模型,以及逼真的地球和地震震源模型。这些电离层振荡是通过正常模式总和计算得出的,其中明确考虑了固体地球与开放大气之间的耦合。它们与瑞利基波相关。我们在合成资料和观测资料之间取得了良好的一致性,因此应该有可能使用这种方法来研究电离层的震后扰动,以及研究高密度和大气粘度的高空剖面。 [参考:14]



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