首页> 外文期刊>European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology: Official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) >The rationale for preventive treatments for early post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea in persistent otitis media with effusion

The rationale for preventive treatments for early post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea in persistent otitis media with effusion


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Some studies have shown that post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea (PTTO) is a common complication after tympanostomy tube insertion. There are wide range of controversies about the incidence of PTTO and different methods of preventive treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of early PTTO in persistent otitis media with effusion in our centers. We also investigated the effect of preventive treatments on the incidence of early PTTO in children with persistent otitis media with effusion. This multi-central study comprised 536 ears belonging to children with otitis media and effusion for at least 3 months, referred for complications arising from post-tympanostomy tube insertion. The patients were randomly divided into three treatment and control groups. In the first group of patients, the middle ear cavity was irrigated with isotonic saline after myringotomy. The second group received oral amoxicillin three times a day for 7 days postoperatively. The third group had similar treatment as the second group, in addition to topical ciprofloxacin drop, 4 drops three times a day for 3 days after operation. The control group did not undergo any treatment. Early post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea was detected in 6 ears (1.1 %), including 3 (2.2 %) from the control group and 3 (2.3 %) from the first group. There was no statistically significant difference in early PTTO between integrated treatment groups and control group (P = 0.111). As the total rate of early post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea was very low, there was no significant difference between the 3 treatment groups and control group. Our study did not support the routine use of preventive therapy. A period of at least 3 months watchful waiting before tympanostomy tube insertion may help reduce the incidence of PTTO.
机译:一些研究表明,鼓室造口术后的耳漏(PTTO)是鼓室造口术插入后的常见并发症。关于PTTO的发生率和不同的预防方法,存在着广泛的争议。这项研究的目的是确定在我们中心的持续性中耳炎伴积液的早期PTTO的发生率。我们还调查了持续性中耳炎伴积液儿童的预防性治疗对早期PTTO发生率的影响。这项多中心研究包括536名属于中耳炎和积液儿童的耳朵,至少持续了3个月,涉及因鼓室造口术后插管引起的并发症。将患者随机分为三个治疗组和对照组。在第一组患者中,在进行切开术后,用等渗盐水冲洗中耳腔。第二组术后7天每天3次口服阿莫西林。第三组除局部应用环丙沙星外,其余均与第二组相似,术后3天每天3次,每天3次。对照组未接受任何治疗。在6耳(1.1%)中检测到了早期的鼓室造口后耳漏,其中对照组3例(2.2%)和第一组3例(2.3%)。综合治疗组和对照组之间的早期PTTO差异无统计学意义(P = 0.111)。由于早期鼓室置管后耳漏的总发生率很低,因此3个治疗组与对照组之间无显着差异。我们的研究不支持预防性治疗的常规使用。鼓膜置管前至少等待3个月,可能有助于减少PTTO的发生。



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