首页> 外文期刊>Geochemical Transactions >Description of an aerodynamic levitation apparatus with applications in Earth sciences

Description of an aerodynamic levitation apparatus with applications in Earth sciences


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Background: In aerodynamic levitation, solids and liquids are floated in a vertical gas stream. In combination withCO2-laser heating, containerless melting at high temperature of oxides and silicates is possible. We applyaerodynamic levitation to bulk rocks in preparation for microchemical analyses, and for evaporation and reductionexperiments.Results: Liquid silicate droplets (~2 mm) were maintained stable in levitation using a nozzle with a 0.8 mm boreand an opening angle of 60°. The gas flow was ~250 ml min~(-1).Rock powders were melted and homogenized formicrochemcial analyses. Laser melting produced chemically homogeneous glass spheres. Only highly (e.g. H2O)and moderately volatile components (Na, K) were partially lost. The composition of evaporated materials wasdetermined by directly combining levitation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. It is shown thatthe evaporated material is composed of Na > K Si. Levitation of metal oxide-rich material in a mixture of H2and Ar resulted in the exsolution of liquid metal.Conclusions: Levitation melting is a rapid technique or for the preparation of bulk rock powders for major, minorand trace element analysis. With exception of moderately volatile elements Na and K, bulk rock analyses can beperformed with an uncertainty of ± 5% relative. The technique has great potential for the quantitative determinationof evaporated materials from silicate melts. Reduction of oxides to metal is a means for the extraction and analysis ofsiderophile elements from silicates and can be used to better understand the origin of chondritic metal.
机译:背景:在空气悬浮中,固体和液体漂浮在垂直的气流中。与CO2激光加热相结合,可以在高温下将氧化物和硅酸盐无容器融化。我们将空气悬浮法应用于大块岩石,以进行微化学分析以及蒸发和还原实验。结果:使用孔径为0.8 mm,开角为60°的喷嘴,液体硅酸盐液滴(〜2 mm)在悬浮过程中保持稳定。气体流量为〜250 ml min〜(-1)。将岩石粉末熔化并匀化以进行微化学分析。激光熔化产生化学均质的玻璃球。仅部分损失了高度(例如H2O)和中等挥发性的组分(Na,K)。蒸发物质的组成是通过将悬浮和电感耦合等离子体质谱法直接结合来确定的。结果表明,蒸发材料由Na> K Si组成。悬浮在H2和Ar混合物中的富含金属氧化物的材料导致液态金属的析出。结论:悬浮熔化是一种快速技术,或用于制备块状岩粉的主要,次要和微量元素分析方法。除中等挥发性元素Na和K外,可进行块岩分析,相对不确定度为±5%。该技术具有定量测定硅酸盐熔体蒸发物的巨大潜力。将氧化物还原为金属是从硅酸盐中提取和分析亲铁元素的一种手段,可用于更好地了解软骨金属的起源。



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