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Low-temperature gas from marine shales


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Thermal cracking of kerogens and bitumens is widely accepted as the major source of natural gas(thermal gas). Decomposition is believed to occur at high temperatures, between 100 and 200°Cin the subsurface and generally above 300°C in the laboratory. Although there are examples of gasdeposits possibly generated at lower temperatures, and reports of gas generation over long periodsof time at 100°C, robust gas generation below 100°C under ordinary laboratory conditions isunprecedented. Here we report gas generation under anoxic helium flow at temperatures 300°below thermal cracking temperatures. Gas is generated discontinuously, in distinct aperiodicepisodes of near equal intensity. In one three-hour episode at 50°C, six percent of thehydrocarbons (kerogen & bitumen) in a Mississippian marine shale decomposed to gas (C1–C5).The same shale generated 72% less gas with helium flow containing 10 ppm O2 and the two gaseswere compositionally distinct. In sequential isothermal heating cycles (~1 hour), nearly five timesmore gas was generated at 50°C (57.4 μg C1–C5/g rock) than at 350°C by thermal cracking (12 μgC1–C5/g rock).The position that natural gas forms only at high temperatures over geologic time is based largelyon pyrolysis experiments under oxic conditions and temperatures where low-temperature gasgeneration could be suppressed. Our results indicate two paths to gas, a high-temperature thermalpath, and a low-temperature catalytic path proceeding 300° below the thermal path. It redefinesthe time-temperature dimensions of gas habitats and opens the possibility of gas generation atsubsurface temperatures previously thought impossible.
机译:干酪根和沥青的热裂解被广泛接受为天然气(热气)的主要来源。据信分解发生在高温下,在地下100至200℃之间,并且在实验室中通常高于300℃。尽管有可能在较低的温度下生成气体沉积物的示例,并且有报告指出在100°C下会长时间产生气体,但在常规实验室条件下仍无法在100°C以下稳定地生成气体。在这里,我们报告了在低于热裂解温度300°的缺氧氦气流下产生气体。气体不连续地产生,强度接近相等。在50°C下进行的三个小时中,密西西比州海相页岩中的碳氢化合物(干酪根和沥青)中的6%分解为气体(C1-C5)。在含10 ppm O2的氦气流量下,同一页岩产生的气体减少了72%。两种气体在成分上是不同的。在相继的等温加热循环中(约1小时),通过热裂化(12μgC1-C5/ g岩石)在50°C(57.4μgC1-C5 / g岩石)产生的气体比在350°C时产生的气体多近五倍。天然气仅在地质时期内高温下才能形成的观点主要是基于在有氧条件和温度下可以抑制低温气体生成的热解实验。我们的结果表明,通向气体的两条路径是高温热路径和低温催化路径,该路径在热路径以下300°处进行。它重新定义了气体栖息地的时间-温度范围,并开启了在以前认为不可能的地下温度下产生气体的可能性。



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