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Friction characteristics of Cd-rich carbonate films on calcite surfaces: implications for compositional differentiation at the nanometer scale


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Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) studies were carried out on cleaved calcite sections in contactwith solutions supersaturated with respect to otavite (CdCO3) or calcite-otavite solid solutions(SS) as a means to examine the potential for future application of LFM as a nanometer-scale mineralsurface composition mapping technique. Layer-by-layer growth of surface films took place eitherby step advancement or by a surface nucleation and step advancement mechanisms. Friction vs.applied load data acquired on the films and the calcite substrate were successfully fitted to theJohnson Kendall Roberts (JKR) model for single asperity contacts. Following this model, frictiondifferences between film and substrate at low loads were dictated by differences in adhesion,whereas at higher load they reflect differences in contact shear strength. In most experiments atfixed load, the film showed higher friction than the calcite surface, but the friction-load dependencefor the different surfaces revealed that at low loads (0–40 nN), a calcian otavite film has lowerfriction than calcite; a result that is contrary to earlier LFM reports of the same system. Multilayerfilms of calcian-otavite displayed increasing friction with film thickness, consistent with theexpectation that the film surface composition will become increasingly Cd-rich with increasingthickness. Both load- and thickness-dependence trends support the hypothesis that the contactshear strength correlates with the hydration enthalpy of the surface ions, thereby imparting frictionsensitivity in the LFM to mineral-water interface composition.
机译:横向力显微镜(LFM)研究是在裂解的方解石切片上与相对于卵石(CdCO3)或方解石-卵石固溶体(SS)过饱和的溶液接触,以此来研究将来将LFM作为纳米级材料应用的潜力。比例尺矿物表面成分作图技术。通过逐步推进或通过表面成核和逐步推进机制进行表面膜的逐层生长。在薄膜和方解石基板上获得的摩擦力与施加载荷数据已成功地拟合到约翰逊·肯德尔·罗伯茨(JKR)模型的单次粗糙接触中。根据该模型,在低负荷下薄膜与基材之间的摩擦差异取决于粘附力的差异,而在较高负荷下它们反映了接触剪切强度的差异。在大多数固定载荷实验中,薄膜的摩擦力均比方解石表面高,但不同表面的摩擦载荷相关性表明,在低载荷(0–40 nN)下,方解石方解石薄膜的摩擦力低于方解石。结果与同一系统的早期LFM报告相反。氧化钙钙石的多层膜显示出随着膜厚度的增加的摩擦,这与预期的是膜表面组成将随着厚度的增加而变得越来越富含Cd。载荷和厚度依赖性趋势均支持以下假设:接触剪切强度与表面离子的水合焓相关,从而在LFM中赋予矿泉水界面组合物以摩擦敏感性。



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