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Secondary mineral formation associated with respiration of nontronite,NAu-1 by iron reducing bacteria


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Experimental batch and miscible-flow cultures were studied in order to determine the mechanistic pathways of microbial Fe(III) respiration in ferruginous smectite clay, NAu-1.The primary purpose was to resolve if alteration of smectite and release of Fe precedes microbial respiration.Alteration of NAu-1, represented by the morphological and mineralogical changes, occurred regardless of the extent of microbial Fe(III) reduction in all of our experimental systems, including those that contained heat-killed bacteria and those in which O_2, rather than Fe(III), was the primary terminal electron acceptor.The solid alteration products observed under transmission electron microscopy included poorly crystalline smectite with diffuse electron diffraction signals, discrete grains of Fe-free amorphous aluminosilicate with increased Al/Si ratio, Fe-rich grains, and amorphous Si globules in the immediate vicinity of bacterial cells and extracellular polymeric substances.In reducing systems, Fe was also found as siderite.The small amount of Fe partitioned to the aqueous phase was primarily in the form of dissolved Fe(III) species even in the systems in which Fe(III) was the primary terminal electron acceptor for microbial respiration.From these observations, we conclude that microbial respiration of Fe(III) in our laboratory systems proceeded through the following: (1) alteration of NAu-1 and concurrent release of Fe(III) from the octahedral sheets of NAu-1; and (2) subsequent microbial respiration of Fe(III).
机译:为了确定蒙脱石质粘土NAu-1中微生物Fe(III)呼吸的机理,研究了分批和混流实验,主要目的是解决蒙脱石和Fe的释放是否先于微生物呼吸。无论在我们所有的实验系统中,无论微生物Fe(III)还原的程度如何,NAu-1的变化都发生了形态和矿物学变化,包括那些含有热灭活细菌的细菌以及那些含有O_2而不是Fe的微生物(III)是主要的末端电子受体。在透射电子显微镜下观察到的固态蚀变产物包括结晶度较弱的蒙脱石和扩散的电子衍射信号,离散的无铁无定形铝硅酸盐晶粒,Al / Si比增加,富铁晶粒,细菌细胞和细胞外聚合物质附近的无定形硅球。即使在其中Fe(III)是微生物呼吸的主要末端电子受体的系统中,少量分配到水相中的Fe也主要以溶解的Fe(III)形式存在。 ,我们得出结论,我们实验室系统中的Fe(III)微生物呼吸是通过以下过程进行的:(1)NAu-1的改变和同时从NAu-1的八面体薄片中释放Fe(III); (2)随后的Fe(III)的微生物呼吸。



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