首页> 外文期刊>Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems >Erosion patterns and mantle sources of topographic change across the southern African Plateau derived from the shallow and deep records of kimberlites

Erosion patterns and mantle sources of topographic change across the southern African Plateau derived from the shallow and deep records of kimberlites


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Flow in the sublithospheric mantle is increasingly invoked as a mechanism to explain both modern and past surface topography, but the importance of this phenomenon and its influence at different localities are debated. Southern Africa is an elevated continental shield proposed to represent dynamically supported topography. However, this region is also characterized by a complex lithospheric architecture variably affected by Cretaceous heating, thinning, and metasomatic alteration. We used apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry on 15 Cretaceous kimberlites from an similar to 600 km long transect across the Kaapvaal Craton, combined with information from xenoliths in these pipes, to determine the plateau interior erosion history. The goal was to determine the relationships with lithospheric modification patterns and thereby better isolate the sublithospheric contribution to elevation. The results document a wave of erosion from west to east across the craton from similar to 120 to <60 Ma, initially focused along paleorivers and then retreating as a scarp across the landscape. This spatially variable erosion event was associated with limited modification of the Archean cratonic lithospheric mantle as recorded by mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts, implying that dynamic buoyancy sources may be required to explain the elevations. In contrast, off-craton to the southwest, a more pronounced regional erosion phase at similar to 110-90 Ma was coincident with significant modification of the Proterozoic lithospheric mantle. This relationship suggests that lithospheric processes were more important contributors to erosion and topographic change off-craton than on-craton. Together, these results suggest that lithospheric architecture can have an important control on the surface expression of mantle dynamics.
机译:岩石圈下地幔中的流动越来越多地被用作解释现代和过去地表地形的一种机制,但是这种现象的重要性及其在不同地区的影响尚有争议。南部非洲是高架大陆盾,拟议用来表示动态支撑的地形。但是,该地区的特征还在于复杂的岩石圈构造,其受白垩纪加热,变薄和变质作用的变化影响。我们使用磷灰石(U-Th)/ He测温法对跨越Kaapvaal Craton的一条长约600 km的样带的15个白垩纪金伯利岩进行了测温,并结合了这些管道中异种岩的信息,以确定高原内部的侵蚀历史。目的是确定与岩石圈修改模式的关系,从而更好地隔离岩石圈以下对海拔的贡献。结果表明,从克拉通向西至东流过的侵蚀波从大约120 Ma到<60 Ma,最初集中在古河道上,然后像陡坡一样退缩。这种空间变化的侵蚀事件与地幔异种和异变体所记录的太古宙克拉通岩石圈地幔的有限变化有关,这暗示着可能需要动态浮力源来解释高程。相反,在西南部克拉通以外的一个更明显的区域侵蚀阶段,类似于110-90 Ma,这与元古代岩石圈地幔的重大变化相吻合。这种关系表明,岩石圈过程比克拉通更容易造成克拉通外的侵蚀和地形变化。总之,这些结果表明岩石圈构造可以对地幔动力学的表面表达具有重要的控制作用。



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