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Peptide discovery in the ectoparasitic crustacean Argulus siamensis: Identification of the first neuropeptides from a member of the Branchiura


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Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing have facilitated the generation of large transcriptomic datasets for an ever-growing number of crustaceans, one being the carp louse Argulus siamensis. This and other members of the subclass Branchiura are obligate fish ectoparasites, and as such, are a major concern for commercial aquaculture. Using the extant transcriptome shotgun assembly (TSA) sequences for A siamensis, 27 transcripts encoding putative neuropeptide precursors were identified, and their pre/ preprohormones deduced and characterized using a well-established bioinformatics workflow. The structures of 105 distinct peptides were predicted from the deduced proteins, including isoforms of adipoki-netic hormone (AKH), allatostatin A, allatostatin B, allatostatin C, allatotropin, bursicon a, bursicon p, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), diuretic hormone 31, diuretic hormone 44, eclosion hormone, myosuppressin, neuroparsin, neuropeptide Y, orcokinin, pigment dispersing hormone, proctolin, short neuropeptide F, SIFamide, sulfakinin and tachykinin-related peptide. While several of the predicted peptides are known from other crustacean and/or insect species, e.g. RYLPT, a broadly conserved arthropod proctolin isoform, and PFCNAFTGCamide (disulfide bridging between the two cysteines), the stereotypical crustacean CCAP, the vast majority of them are described here for the first time, e.g. pQVNFSTKWa-mide, a new AKH/red pigment concentrating hormone superfamily member, pQEGLDHMFMRFamide, a novel myosuppressin, and SYKSKPPFNGSIFamide, a new member of the SIFamide family. As the peptides presented here are the only ones thus far described from A siamensis, or for that matter, any branchiuran, they represent a new resource to begin investigations of peptidergic control of physiology and behavior in this and other related aquacultural pests.
机译:高通量测序的最新进展促进了越来越多的甲壳类动物的大型转录组数据集的产生,其中之一就是鲤鱼虱子Argulus siamensis。该科和分支科的其他成员都是专性鱼类外寄生物,因此,是商业水产养殖的主要关注点。使用针对暹罗的现存转录组shot弹枪装配(TSA)序列,鉴定了编码假定的神经肽前体的27个转录本,并使用公认的生物信息学工作流程推导和表征了它们的前/前激素。从推导的蛋白质中预测了105种不同肽的结构,包括脂肪形成激素(AKH)的同工型,阿托他汀A,阿托他汀B,阿托他汀C,阿托鲁他汀,bursicon a,bursicon p,甲壳类心脏活性肽(CCAP),利尿激素31,利尿激素44,促分泌激素,肌抑制素,神经素,神经肽Y,促红素,色素分散激素,泌乳素,短神经肽F,SIFamide,磺胺激酶和速激肽相关肽。虽然从其他甲壳类和/或昆虫种类中已知几种预测的肽,例如。 RYLPT是一种节肢动物备受争议的Proctolin亚型,它和PFCNAFTGCamide(两个半胱氨酸之间的二硫键),是典型的甲壳类CCAP,其中绝大多数是首次在此进行描述,例如新的AKH /红色色素浓缩激素超家族成员pQVNFSTKWa-mide,新的肌抑制素pQEGLDHMFMRFamide和SIFamide家族的新成员SYKSKPPFNGSIFamide。由于此处介绍的肽是迄今为止从暹罗语中描述的唯一肽,或就此而言,任何分支都没有,因此它们代表了一种新的资源,可以开始对这种和其他相关水产养殖害虫的生理和行为进行肽能控制的研究。



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