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Umweltverhalten und unternehmensimage: corporate environmental policy and corporate image


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A major goal for virtually any enterprise is to create and maintain an image that the management feels is appropriate for the specific type of business involved. Image refers to how an enterprise or a company is perceived by consumers and others. Image is comprised of functional (physical) and psychological (emotional) attributes. Those attributes are organized into perceptual frameworks by relevant social groups like consumers, neighbors, suppliers, employees, decision makers in banks and insurance companies and political decision makers. The frameworks then determine individuals' expectations about a horticultural company's overall policies and practices. Surveying consumers and entrepreneurs one comes to realize that traditional image concepts of horticultural enterprises have to be complemented by an additional image-attribute: the environmental-related behavior Of a company. This conclusion is additionally supported by several legal frame conditions for plant production like laws, ordinances, production regulations and marketing issues. A new resource-use-analysis has been developed. It integrates multiple objectives, goals and constraints which are relevant for water use decisions in horticulture. An accounting step describes the current water use situation in a specific firm. Based on the resulting water use matrix, measures of communication policy can then be used to form a positive corporate environmental image for this company. The approach generally supports environmental controlling by providing the decision maker with suitable information to establish economically and ecologically reasonable water management.



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