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Febuxostat:a non-purine,selective inhibitor of xanthine oxidase for the management of hyperuricaemia in patients with gout


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Febuxostat is a non-purine,selective inhibitor of xanthine oxidase being developed for the management of hyperuricaemia in patients with gout.With febuxostat 10 -120 mg,the pharmacokinetics are linear.No dose adjustment appears to be necessary in those with renal insufficiency or mild-to-moderate hepatic impairment.Febuxostat 10 - 120mg/day rapidly and sustainably reduces serum uric acid by 25 - 70% in uric acid underexcretors and overproducers.Prophylaxis with colchicine or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can mitigate the gout-flare risk from the rapid urate lowering after febuxostat initiation.Febuxostat is well tolerated,the majority of treatment-related adverse events are transient and mild-to-moderate in severity.Febuxostat can broaden the therapeutic options for urate-lowering therapy in those with gout.
机译:非布索坦是一种非嘌呤,黄嘌呤氧化酶的选择性抑制剂,正在开发用于治疗痛风患者的高尿酸血症。非布索坦10 -120 mg的药代动力学是线性的。对于肾功能不全或轻度的患者似乎无需调整剂量到中度肝功能损害。非布司他10-120mg /天可快速,持续地将排尿不足和过量生产者中的尿酸降低25-70%。秋水仙碱或非甾体类抗炎药的预防可减轻痛风发作非布司他开始后迅速降低尿酸盐的风险。非布司他具有良好的耐受性,大多数与治疗有关的不良事件都是短暂的,轻度至中度。非布司他可以扩大痛风患者尿酸降低治疗的治疗选择。



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