首页> 外文期刊>Expert opinion on investigational drugs >Will the new CB_1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR-147778 have advantages over rimonabant?

Will the new CB_1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR-147778 have advantages over rimonabant?


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Obesity and alcoholism are two common modern-day diseases.The cannabinoid CB,receptor antagonist rimonabant is in Phase III clinical trial for the treatment of obesity with preliminary results showing that it decreases appetite and body weight.Animal studies have shown that rimonabant is effective in the treatment of alcoholism.SR-147778 is a new potent and selective CB,receptor antagonist.In animals,SR-147778 has been shown to inhibit CB,receptor-mediated hypothermia,analgesia and slowing of gastrointestinal transit.In rats trained to drink sucrose,the oral administration of SR-147778 3 mg/kg,before the presentation of sucrose,decreased the consumption of sucrose.SR-147778 3 mg/kg also reduced spontaneous feeding in rats deprived of food and also in non-deprived rats.In Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) rats,in the alcohol-naive state,SR-147778 slowed the development of a preference for alcohol.In alcohol-experienced sP rats SR-147778 (2.5,5 and 10 mg/kg p.o.) reduced the alcohol intake.When alcohol-experienced sP rats are deprived of alcohol for 15 days,there is a large intake of alcohol on reintroduction of alcohol,and this response was almost abolished by treatment with SR-147778.From the preclinical studies published to date,there is no obvious major point of difference between rimonabant and SR-147778,and both are promising agents for the treatment of obesity and alcoholism.
机译:肥胖和酒精中毒是两种常见的现代疾病。大麻素CB受体拮抗剂利莫那班正在治疗肥胖的III期临床试验中,初步结果表明它能降低食欲和减轻体重。动物研究表明,利莫那班对降低肥胖症有效。 SR-147778是一种新型的有效的选择性CB受体拮抗剂。在动物中,SR-147778已显示出抑制CB,受体介导的体温过低,镇痛作用和胃肠道运输减缓的作用。 ,在出现蔗糖之前口服SR-147778 3 mg / kg可以减少蔗糖的消耗。SR-1477783 mg / kg还可以减少缺乏食物的大鼠和非缺乏食物的大鼠的自发喂养。撒丁岛偏爱酒精(sP)的大鼠,在未饮用酒精的状态下,SR-147778减缓了对酒精的偏爱。酒精inta ke。戒酒的sP大鼠连续15天戒酒后,再次饮酒会大量摄入酒精,而用SR-147778治疗几乎消除了这种反应。从迄今为止发表的临床前研究来看,利莫那班与SR-147778之间没有明显的主要区别,两者都是治疗肥胖和酒精中毒的有前途的药物。



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