首页> 外文期刊>Evaluation & the health professions >Association Between Exercise and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Trauma-Exposed Adults

Association Between Exercise and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Trauma-Exposed Adults


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The present investigation examined associations between intensities of exercise involvement and posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptom cluster severity (reexperiencing, avoidanceumbing, and hyperarousal). The sample was comprised of 108 adults (54.6% women; M-age = 23.9, SD = 10.22, range = 18-62), who endorsed exposure to a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth edition, Text Revision) posttraumatic stress disorder Criterion A traumatic life event but did not meet criteria for any current Axis I psychopathology. After controlling for gender and lifetime number of trauma exposure types experienced, results indicated that vigorous-intensity exercise, but not light- or moderate-intensity exercise, was significantly inversely associated with hyperarousal symptom cluster severity. This study adds to the scarce, yet growing, body of exercisePTS literatureby illuminating the inverse associations of vigorous-intensity exercise, specifically, and PTS hyperarousal symptom severity among trauma-exposed individuals.
机译:本研究调查了运动强度与创伤后压力(PTS)症状群严重程度(再次体验,避免/麻木和过度刺激)之间的关联。该样本由108名成年人组成(54.6%的妇女; M年龄= 23.9,SD = 10.22,范围= 18-62),他们同意接受创伤后精神压力诊断和统计手册(第四版,文本修订)。障碍准则一种创伤性生活事件,但不符合任何当前的Axis I心理病理学标准。在控制了所经历的创伤暴​​露类型的性别和终生数量之后,结果表明,剧烈运动与轻度或中度运动与高躁动症状群严重程度呈显着负相关。这项研究通过阐明剧烈运动(尤其是受创伤的个人中PTS亢进症状严重程度)的反相关关系,增加了PTS文献的稀缺性,但仍在增加。



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