首页> 外文期刊>Experimental astronomy >Near-infrared sky background fluctuations at mid- and low latitudes

Near-infrared sky background fluctuations at mid- and low latitudes


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The emission of the upper atmosphere introduces an additional variable component into observations of astronomical objects in the NIR 700-3,000 nm range. The subtraction of this component is not easy because it varies during the night by as much as 100% and it is not homogeneous over the sky. A program aimed at measuring and understanding the main characteristics of the atmospheric NIR emission was undertaken. A 512x512 CCD camera equipped with a RG780/2 mm filter is used to obtain images of the sky in a 36 degrees x36 degrees field of view. The intensities of a given star and of the nearby region devoid of star in a 439 arcmin(2) area are monitored during periods of time of several hours. The sky intensity measured in the 754-900 nm bandpass, reduced to zenith and zero airmass is comprised between mag20 and mag18.5 per arcsecond(2). A diminution by a factor of two during the night is frequently observed. Intensity fluctuations having an amplitude of 15% and periods of 5-40 min are present in the images with a structure of regularly spaced stripes. The fluctuations of the NIR sky background intensity are due to (1) the chemical evolution of the upper atmosphere composition during the night and (2) dynamical processes such as tides with periods of 3-6 h or gravity waves with periods of several tens of minutes. We suggest that a monitoring of the sky background intensity could be set up when quantitative observations of astronomical objects require exposure times longer than similar to 10 min. The publication is illustrated with several video films accessible on the web site http://www.obs-besancon.frirsky/. Enter username: nirsky and password: skynir.
机译:高层大气的发射将附加的可变成分引入到NIR 700-3,000 nm范围的天文物体观测中。减去该分量并不容易,因为它在夜间变化高达100%,并且在天空中不均匀。开展了旨在测量和了解大气近红外辐射主要特征的计划。配备RG780 / 2毫米滤镜的512x512 CCD摄像机用于获取36度x36度视场中的天空图像。在几个小时的时间段内,将监视439 arcmin(2)区域中给定恒星和附近没有恒星的区域的强度。在754-900 nm带通中测得的天空强度(降低到天顶和零质量)在每弧秒mag20和mag18.5之间(2)。经常观察到夜间减少了两倍。具有规则间隔的条纹结构的图像中出现强度波动,幅度为15%,周期为5-40分钟。 NIR天空背景强度的波动归因于(1)夜间高空大气成分的化学演化和(2)动力学过程,如潮汐周期为3-6 h或重力波周期为几十个分钟。我们建议,当对天文物体进行定量观测所需的暴露时间长于10分钟左右时,可以设置对天空背景强度的监控。通过在网站http://www.obs-besancon.frirsky/上可以访问的几部视频电影来说明该出版物。输入用户名:nirsky和密码:skynir。



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