首页> 外文期刊>Emergency medicine journal: EMJ >Accuracy of emergency medical dispatchers' subjective ability to identify when higher dispatch levels are warranted over a Medical Priority Dispatch System automated protocol's recommended coding based on paramedic outcome data.

Accuracy of emergency medical dispatchers' subjective ability to identify when higher dispatch levels are warranted over a Medical Priority Dispatch System automated protocol's recommended coding based on paramedic outcome data.


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OBJECTIVES: To establish the accuracy of the emergency medical dispatcher's (EMD's) decisions to override the automated Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) logic-based response code recommendations based on at-scene paramedic-applied transport acuity determinations (blue-in) and cardiac arrest (CA) findings. METHODS: A retrospective study of a 1 year dataset from the London Ambulance Service (LAS) National Health Service (NHS) Trust was undertaken. We compared all LAS "bluing in" frequency (BIQ) and cardiac arrest quotient (CAQ) outcomes of the incidents automatically recommended and accepted as CHARLIE-level codes, to those receiving EMD DELTA-overrides from the auto-recommended CHARLIE-level. We also compared the recommended DELTA-level outcomes to those in the higher ECHO-override cases. RESULTS: There was no significant association between outcome (CA/Blue-in) and the determinant codes (DELTA-override and CHARLIE-level) for both CA (odds ratio (OR) 0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0 to 41.14; p = 1.000) and Blue-in categories (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.34 to 2.33; p = 1.000). Similar patterns were observed between outcome and all DELTA-level and ECHO-override codes for both CA (OR 0, 95% CI 0 to 70.05; p = 1.000) and Blue-in categories (OR 1.17, 95% CI 0 to 7.12; p = 0.597). CONCLUSION: This study contradicts the belief that EMDs can accurately perceive when a patient or situation requires more resources than the MPDS's structured interrogation process logically indicates. This further strengthens the concept that automated, protocol-based call taking is more accurate and consistent than the subjective, anecdotal or experience-based determinations made by individual EMDs.
机译:目标:建立紧急医疗调度员(EMD)决策的准确性,以基于现场医护人员应用的运输敏锐度确定(蓝调)和心脏检查,推翻基于优先级自动医疗调度系统(MPDS)逻辑的响应代码建议逮捕(CA)结果。方法:对伦敦救护车服务(LAS)国家卫生服务(NHS)信托基金的1年数据集进行了回顾性研究。我们将自动推荐并接受为CHA​​RLIE级别代码的事件的所有LAS“上流”频率(BIQ)和心脏骤停商(CAQ)结果与从自动推荐的CHARLIE级别接收EMD DELTA替代的事件进行了比较。我们还将推荐的DELTA级结果与较高的ECHO替代情况下的结果进行了比较。结果:两个CA的结果(CA / Blue-in)和行列式代码(DELTA覆盖和CHARLIE级别)之间均无显着关联(赔率(OR)为0,95%置信区间(CI)为0至41.14 ; p = 1.000)和入网类别(OR 0.89,95%CI 0.34至2.33; p = 1.000)。对于CA(OR 0,95%CI 0至70.05; p = 1.000)和入局类别(OR 1.17,95%CI 0至7.12; p = 0.597)。结论:这项研究与以下观点相矛盾:当患者或情况需要的资源比MPDS的结构化询问过程在逻辑上表明的多时,EMD可以准确感知。这进一步强化了这样一个概念,即基于协议的自动呼叫接管比单个EMD进行的主观,轶事或基于经验的确定更为准确和一致。



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