
Lankhorst ties up Goliat deal


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Lankhorst Ropes Offshore Division has been awarded a contract by Eni to supply the polyester rope mooring lines for the Goliat FPSO vessel.The Goliat FPSO will be positioned 85km offshore, north west of Hammerfest in Production Licence 229 (PL 229) and PL 229B in the Barents Sea offshore Norway.The cylindrically shaped Goliat FPSO will be moored with 14 polyester mooring lines in three clusters of four, four and six lines at 400m (1,312ft) water depth.Given the weather conditions in the Barents Sea, and rela-tively shallow water depth, the Goliat FPSO will use a semi-taut leg mooring system to limit movement of the FPSO.Lankhorst said: "In order to minimise the potential damage of trawl wire impact, Lankhorst Ropes is developing a trawler wire resistant rope jacket for the polyester rope lines. The jacket will be an integral part of the rope construction during manufacture at Lankhorst's offshore rope production facility in Portugal."
机译:Lankhorst绳索离岸部已获得埃尼(Eni)的合同,为Goliat FPSO船提供聚酯绳系泊设备。Goliat FPSO将位于哈默菲斯特(Hammerfest)西北西北85公里处,生产许可证229(PL 229)和PL 229B。挪威近海的巴伦支海:圆柱形Goliat FPSO将在水深400m(1312英尺)的三个集群中分别由4、4和6条绳索组成的14个系泊缆绳系泊。戈里亚特FPSO将使用半绷紧的腿系泊系统来限制FPSO的运​​动。外套将是Lankhorst在葡萄牙的海上绳索生产设施制造过程中绳索结构不可或缺的一部分。”



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