首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Plant Pathology >Effects of huanglongbing on fruit quality of sweet orange cultivars in Brazil

Effects of huanglongbing on fruit quality of sweet orange cultivars in Brazil


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Citrus huanglongbing (HLB), associated with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Ca. L. americanus and transmitted by the Asian psyllid Diaphorina citri, is the most serious disease of citrus worldwide because of crop devastation and difficulty to control. Since 2004, approximately 3 million trees were eliminated in attempts to limit its spread in Brazil. Where HLB becomes endemic, the disease progression in the orchard and the increasing symptom severity throughout the tree canopy can be relatively fast, greatly reducing the economic life of affected orchards because of tree decline and yield reduction. Although the majority of the fruit from symptomatic branches drop before harvest, a significant amount of affected fruit remain attached, are available for harvest, and can affect juice quality. To quantify and compare the effects of HLB on fruit quality of the most important sweet orange cultivars grown in ScDo Paulo State, 4-6 year-old sweet orange trees from 26 blocks (two of Valencia Americana', eight of Hamlin', four of Westin', seven of Pera', and five of Valencia') were selected prior to harvest. In each block, 14-21 HLB-symptomatic trees were chosen. In each tree, the quality of 20 fruit normal in appearance from asymptomatic branches and 20 symptomatic fruit from symptomatic branches were assessed. In general, compared to normal fruit, the symptomatic fruit were small, light, more acidic, and had lower juice percentage, Brix, total soluble solids per box, total soluble solids per fruit, and Brix/acidity ratio. These effects of fruit quality were less pronounced on early and mid season sweet orange cultivars than on late season cv. Valencia.
机译:柑橘黄龙病(HLB),与亚洲假丝酵母和钙有关。由亚洲木虱Diaphorina citri传播的美洲L.由于作物毁灭和难以控制,是全世界范围内最严重的柑橘病。自2004年以来,大约有300万棵树被淘汰,以限制其在巴西的传播。在HLB流行的地方,果园中的疾病进展和整个树冠中症状严重程度的增加可能相对较快,由于树木下降和产量下降,大大降低了受影响果园的经济寿命。尽管有症状分支的大部分水果在收获前掉落,但仍有大量受影响的水果附着在上面,可供收获,并且可能影响果汁质量。为了量化和比较HLB对在ScDo Paulo州种植的最重要的甜橙品种的果实品质的影响,这些甜橙品种来自26个街区(4个为美国瓦伦西亚州,8个为哈姆林州,威斯汀,佩拉(Pera)的七个,瓦伦西亚(Valencia)的五个)在收获前被选中。在每个块中,选择了14-21棵HLB有症状的树。在每棵树中,评估了来自无症状分支的20个正常水果的外观和来自有症状分支的20个有症状水果的质量。通常,与普通水果相比,有症状水果小,轻,酸度更高,并且果汁百分比,白利糖度,每盒总可溶性固形物,每果总可溶性固形物和白利糖度/酸度比较低。果实品质的这些影响在季节早期和中期的甜橙品种中不如在季节后期的简历中明显。巴伦西亚。



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