首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Pharmacology: An International Journal >Pharmacodynamic interactions between MDMA and concomitants in MDMA tablets on extracellular dopamine and serotonin in the rat brain.

Pharmacodynamic interactions between MDMA and concomitants in MDMA tablets on extracellular dopamine and serotonin in the rat brain.


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3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a psychoactive stimulant abused by young people as the recreational drug ecstasy. Other compounds, either deliberately added or present as byproducts, are often found in MDMA tablets and can unexpectedly interact with each other. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacodynamic effects of interactions caused by concomitants in MDMA tablets on extracellular dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) by microdialysis in the striatum of ethylcarbamate-anesthetized rats. Baseline levels of dopamine and 5-HT in the striatum were 16.5+/-7.7 and 3.5+/-1.7 nM (mean+/-standard deviation), respectively. After a single administration of MDMA (10 mg/kg, i.p.), a dramatic increase in extracellular dopamine (Cmax: 36.1-fold vs. baseline) and 5-HT levels (Cmax: 9.3-fold vs. baseline) was observed. When rats were co-administered with methamphetamine (1, 5 or 10 mg/kg) with MDMA, the dopamine levels induced by MDMA increased in a methamphetamine-dose-dependent manner (Cmax: 2.5-, 3.5-, and 3.8-fold vs. MDMA). A similar trend was observed in 5-HT levels (Cmax: 1.1-, 1.3-, and 1.8-fold vs. MDMA). In contrast, ketamine and caffeine showed synergistic effects on the monoamine levels induced by MDMA, whereas the individual administration of either of these compounds did not affect monoamine levels. Ketamine (1, 5 mg/kg) decreased the dopamine levels induced by MDMA (Cmax: 0.9- and 0.7-fold vs. MDMA) and increased the 5-HT levels induced by MDMA (Cmax: 1.4- and 1.6-fold vs. MDMA), and co-administration of caffeine (20 mg/kg) with MDMA increased dopamine levels (Cmax: 1.7-fold vs. MDMA). These results suggest that exposure to multiple drugs in addition to MDMA can have neurotoxic effects.
机译:3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺(MDMA)是一种精神活性兴奋剂,被年轻人滥用为休闲药的摇头丸。在MDMA片剂中经常发现有意添加或作为副产物存在的其他化合物,并且它们可能会意外地相互作用。本研究的目的是通过氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉大鼠纹状体的微透析,评估由MDMA片剂中伴随物引起的相互作用对细胞外多巴胺和5-羟色胺(5-HT)的药效作用。纹状体中多巴胺和5-HT的基线水平分别为16.5 +/- 7.7和3.5 +/- 1.7 nM(平均值+/-标准偏差)。单次服用MDMA(10 mg / kg,腹腔注射)后,观察到细胞外多巴胺(Cmax:相对于基线的36.1倍)和5-HT水平(Cmax:相对于基线的9.3倍)显着增加。当大鼠与甲基苯丙胺(1、5或10 mg / kg)和MDMA并用时,由MDMA诱导的多巴胺水平以甲基苯丙胺剂量依赖性方式增加(Cmax:2.5、3.5和3.8倍MDMA)。在5-HT水平上观察到了类似的趋势(相对于MDMA,Cmax:1.1倍,1.3倍和1.8倍)。相反,氯胺酮和咖啡因对由MDMA诱导的单胺水平显示出协同作用,而单独施用这些化合物中的任一种均不影响单胺水平。氯胺酮(1,5 mg / kg)降低了MDMA诱导的多巴胺水平(相对于MDMA,Cmax:0.9和0.7倍),提高了MDMA诱导的5-HT水平(相对于MDMA,Cmax:1.4和1.6倍)。 MDMA)和咖啡因(20 mg / kg)与MDMA的共同给药增加了多巴胺水平(相对于MDMA,Cmax:1.7倍)。这些结果表明,除了MDMA之外,接触多种药物也会产生神经毒性作用。



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