首页> 外文期刊>Behavior Genetics: An International Journal Devoted to Research in the Inheritance of Behavior in Animals and Man >Plumage Color and Feather Pecking-Behavioral Differences Associated with PMEL17 Genotypes in Chicken (Gallus gallus).

Plumage Color and Feather Pecking-Behavioral Differences Associated with PMEL17 Genotypes in Chicken (Gallus gallus).


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An F (5) generation of an advanced inter-cross between red junglefowl (wild-type) and White Leghorn (domesticated) was used to investigate earlier findings suggesting that a mutation in the plumage color gene PMEL17 protects against victimization to feather pecking (FP). F (4) parents were selected according to genotype to produce PMEL17 homozygous offspring (i/i and I/I respectively). Birds were raised and their behavior recorded in groups of either two wild-type i/i (dark colored) and one white I/I, or two I/I and one i/i. In addition each bird was tested for feather preference, reaction to novelty, open-field activity, fear for humans, and tonic-immobility. In the home-pens, i/i birds were more feather pecked and had poorer feather condition than I/I birds. No pecking preference for immobile dark colored feathers was observed. In the open-field test i/i birds vocalized more and earlier than I/I birds, and in the fear-for-human test I/I birds had higher activity at 21 weeks of age. No other behavior differences were observed, but clearly, genotypes of PMEL17 affected some aspects of behavior. Such behavioral differences might be important aspects of the mechanism which predispose i/i individuals for being victims of FP.
机译:使用F(5)代的红色丛林鸟(野生型)和白色来克霍恩犬(驯养)之间的高级杂交来调查较早的发现,这表明羽毛颜色基因PMEL17中的突变可防止啄羽(FP) )。根据基因型选择F(4)个亲本以产生PMEL17纯合子代(分别为i / i和I / I)。饲养鸟类并将它们的行为记录为两个野生型I / I(深色)和一个白色I / I,或两个I / I和一个I / I。此外,还测试了每只鸟的羽毛偏好,对新奇的反应,野外活动,对人类的恐惧和不进补。在家庭围栏中,与I / I鸟类相比,i / i鸟类的羽毛更易啄,羽毛状况更差。没有观察到对不动的深色羽毛的啄食偏好。在野外测试中,i / i鸟发出的声音比I / I鸟发声更多,更早,在对人类的恐惧测试中,I / I鸟在21周龄时具有更高的活动能力。没有观察到其他行为差异,但是很明显,PMEL17的基因型影响行为的某些方面。这种行为差异可能是机制的重要方面,使i / i个人容易成为FP的受害者。



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