首页> 外文期刊>Behavior Genetics: An International Journal Devoted to Research in the Inheritance of Behavior in Animals and Man >Association analysis of exonic variants of the GABA(B)-receptor gene and alpha electroencephalogram voltage in normal subjects and alcohol-dependent patients.

Association analysis of exonic variants of the GABA(B)-receptor gene and alpha electroencephalogram voltage in normal subjects and alcohol-dependent patients.


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Based on pharmacologic evidence, it has been suggested that GABA(B) receptors may play a crucial role in the generation of alpha-electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations. We tested whether three exonic variants of the gene encoding the human GABA(B) receptor (GABA(B)R1) modify scalp-recorded alpha-EEG voltage. One hundred twenty-eight patients suffering from alcoholism and 114 normal subjects were investigated. Alcohol-dependent patients were included because evidence exists that the frequently observed alpha low voltage in these subjects is at least partly a trait variable. Logistic regression analyses revealed no associations between alpha-EEG voltage and polymorphic variations in exon 1a1 or exon 11. A significant interaction was observed for an exon 7 substitution polymorphism and diagnosis (P = 0.009). Post hoc analyses showed an association between EEG phenotype and exon 7 genotype in normal subjects only. It is concluded that this particular association may only be observable under physiologic conditions and that alpha low voltage in alcohol-dependent subjects is under the control of either different genes or that it is related to the disease process.
机译:根据药理学证据,已建议GABA(B)受体可能在产生α-脑电图(EEG)振荡中起关键作用。我们测试了编码人GABA(B)受体(GABA(B)R1)的基因的三个外显子变体是否会改变头皮记录的α-EEG电压。调查了128名酒精中毒患者和114名正常人。包括酒精依赖的患者,因为有证据表明,这些受试者中经常观察到的阿尔法低电压至少部分是性状变量。 Logistic回归分析显示外显子1a1或外显子11的α-EEG电压与多态性变异之间没有关联。观察到外显子7取代多态性与诊断之间存在显着相互作用(P = 0.009)。事后分析显示,仅在正常受试者中,EEG表型与外显子7基因型之间存在关联。结论是,这种特定的联系只能在生理条件下才能观察到,并且酒精依赖型受试者的阿尔法低电压受不同基因的控制或与疾病过程有关。



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