首页> 外文期刊>European journal of social psychology >Post-merger identification as a function of pre-merger identification, relative representation, and pre-merger status

Post-merger identification as a function of pre-merger identification, relative representation, and pre-merger status


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This experiment examined the impact of pre-merger identification (low, high), pre-merger group status (low, high) and relative representation (low, high) upon identification with a new merger group. In the first phase of the study, 156 university students were assigned to a pre-merger team of 'inductive' thinkers. Pre-merger identification was manipulated by giving the participants feedback about the extent to which they used the inductionist style. Pre-merger status was manipulated by informing participants that their team had performed worse or better than a deductionist team on a decision-making task. In the second phase, the two pre-merger teams were combined into a merger team of analyst thinkers. Relative representation was manipulated by maintaining most or none of the features of the pre-merger team in this new merger team. The results revealed that high pre-merger identifiers identified more strongly with the merger group than did low pre-merger identifiers, but only when the relative representation was high. Pre-merger status did not influence post-merger identification. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:该实验检查了合并前识别(低,高),合并前组的状态(低,高)和相对表示(低,高)对新合并组进行识别的影响。在研究的第一阶段,将156名大学生分配到“归纳”思想家的合并前团队。通过向参与者提供有关他们使用归纳主义风格的程度的反馈来操纵合并前的识别。通过告知参与者他们的团队在决策任务上的表现比演绎者团队差或更好,来操纵合并前的状态。在第二阶段,两个合并前团队合并为分析思想家的合并团队。通过在这个新的合并团队中保留合并前团队的大多数功能或不保留这些功能,可以操纵相对表示。结果表明,高合并前标识符在合并组中的识别能力要强于合并前较低的标识符,但前提是相对代表较高。合并前的状态不影响合并后的识别。版权所有(c)2006 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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