首页> 外文期刊>European journal of social psychology >Media representations of majority and minority groups

Media representations of majority and minority groups


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This research series replicated and extended earlier findings of Gardikiotis, Martin, and Hewstone (2004), who examined via content analysis UK media representations of numeric majority and minority groups. Using news articles from North and South Dakota, where majority/minority population characteristics mirror those of the UK in terms of number and power, Study I replicated the patterns of results found in Gardikiotis et al. Study 2, in which articles from California newspapers were analyzed, yielded findings contrary to Gardikiotis et al. and our Dakota analyses: Minority headlines were more frequent in California, and majority articles were longer than minority articles. Consistent with UK and Dakotas findings, majority headlines in California were associated with politics and identify adjectives, whereas minority headlines were linked to social issues and ethnicity-based adjectives. Arguably, these differences occurred because in California, unlike the UK and the Dakotas, Whites are not simultaneously the social power and the numeric majority. Variations in power and number associated with majority and minority status were discussed in explaining differences across contexts, and in signaling possible shortcomings in the conceptualization and methods used to investigate minority and majority influence. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:该研究系列重复并扩展了Gardikiotis,Martin和Hewstone(2004)的早期发现,他们通过内容分析研究了英国媒体对多数和少数群体的代表性。研究一使用了北达科他州和南达科他州的新闻报道,该地区的多数/少数族裔人口特征在数量和能力上都与英国相近,研究一则重复了Gardikiotis等人的研究结果。研究2对加利福尼亚报纸的文章进行了分析,得出的结论与Gardikiotis等人相反。以及我们对达科他州的分析:在加利福尼亚州,少数族裔的头条新闻更为频繁,多数文章的时间要长于少数族裔的文章。与英国和达科他州的发现一致,加利福尼亚的大多数头条新闻与政治联系在一起并确定形容词,而少数派的头条新闻则与社会问题和基于种族的形容词有关。可以说,发生这些差异的原因是,在加利福尼亚州,与英国和达科他州不同,白人并非同时拥有社会权力和多数席位。讨论了与多数派和少数派地位相关的权力和人数的变化,以解释不同背景之间的差异,并指出了调查少数派和多数派影响力的概念和方法中可能存在的缺陷。版权所有(c)2006 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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