首页> 外文期刊>European journal of social psychology >Nonconscious influences of religion on prosociality: A priming study

Nonconscious influences of religion on prosociality: A priming study


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Past literature on the automaticity of social behavior indicates that priming a concept automatically activates related behavioral schemas. In the two present studies we examined the impact of religion on prosociality. In the first study, we tested the impact of subliminal priming of religious concepts on prosocial behavior intentions. We found a main effect of this priming, moderated by valence: prosocial behavior tendencies were stronger when positive religious words had previously been subliminally primed. In the second study, we examined the accessibility of prosocial concepts, after the supraliminal activation of religion. Indeed, we found that not only were religion-related attributes more accessible when primed, but positive religious primes were also able to activate prosocial concepts. While previous research has shown the religion-prosociality link at the explicit level and in terms of the role of individual religiousness, these results indicate that religious concepts by themselves can nonconsciously activate prosocial behavioral schemas. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:过去有关社会行为自动性的文献表明,启动概念会自动激活相关的行为模式。在目前的两项研究中,我们研究了宗教对社会主义的影响。在第一个研究中,我们测试了宗教观念的潜意识引发对亲社会行为意图的影响。我们发现了这种启动作用的主要作用,是由化合价调节的:当积极的宗教用语先前被下意识地启动时,亲社会的行为倾向会更强。在第二项研究中,我们研究了宗教上朝上的激活之后亲社会观念的可及性。的确,我们发现,当与宗教有关的属性被灌输时,不仅更容易获得,而且积极的宗教盛行也能够激活亲社会的观念。尽管先前的研究表明宗教-亲社会关系在显着水平上和在个体宗教性的作用方面表现出来,但这些结果表明,宗教概念本身可以无意识地激活亲社会的行为模式。版权所有(c)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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