首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin OEPP: = EPPO Bulletin >Control of postharvest green mould of citrus by haliscosamine isolated from Haliclona viscosa sponge

Control of postharvest green mould of citrus by haliscosamine isolated from Haliclona viscosa sponge

机译:从Haliclona viscosa海绵中分离出来的卤胺防治柑橘采后绿霉病。

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of haliscosamine isolated from Haliclona viscosa sea sponge from the Moroccan Atlantic coast against Penicillium digitatum, the causal agent of citrus green mould. The in vitro antifungal activity of haliscosamine, determined using the agar disc-diffusion method, showed that haliscosamine and DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX~R (reference product) have fungicidal activity with inhibition diameters of 19 and 18 mm, respectively. Haliscosamine and a positive control (DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX~R) were tested in vivo in comparison with a negative control on orange fruits in normal storage conditions. This test showed that after four weeks of storage, the rate of decay of citrus fruits treated with haliscosamine or DESOGERME does not exceed 14%, whereas in the negative control the decay rate is 77%. The results of in vitro and in vivo tests indicate that haliscosamine and DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX have an important antifungal potential against P. digitatum and that haliscosamine (a natural product) may represent an alternative to the use of chemical fungicides.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估从摩洛哥大西洋沿岸的Haliclona viscosa海海绵中分离出的卤水胺对柑橘绿色霉菌的致病因子Penicillium digitatum的抗真菌活性。使用琼脂圆盘扩散法测定的卤水胺的体外抗真菌活性表明,卤水胺和DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX_R(参考产品)具有杀菌活性,抑制直径分别为19和18 mm。在正常储存条件下,对橙果进行了卤代水胺和阳性对照(DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX_R)的体内测试,并将其与阴性对照进行比较。该测试表明,在储存四个星期后,用哈利斯科胺或DESOGERME处理的柑橘类水果的腐烂率不超过14%,而在阴性对照中,腐烂率为77%。体外和体内测试的结果表明,卤味胺和DESOGERME SP VEGETAUX具有对数指疟原虫的重要抗真菌潜力,卤味胺(一种天然产物)可以替代化学杀菌剂。



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