
Differential diagnoses of suspected Lyme borreliosis or post-Lyme-disease syndrome.


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The symptoms of Lyme borreliosis are similar to those of a variety of autoimmune musculoskeletal diseases. Persistence of complaints is frequently interpreted as unsuccessful antibiotic treatment of Borrelia-associated infections. However, such refractory cases are rare, and re-evaluation of differential diagnoses helps to avoid the substantial risk of long-term antibiotic therapy. In this study, we analyzed patients who presented to our rheumatology unit with previous suspected or diagnosed Lyme borreliosis. Eighty-six patients from a 3.5-year period were evaluated. The mean age of patients was 49.2 +/- 17.2 years; 60% (n = 52) reported a tick bite and 33% (n = 28) an erythema. Forty-seven percent (n = 39) had positive enzyme-linked immunoassay results and Western blots (Mikrogen, Martinsried, Germany). All but 12 patients had already received antibiotic treatment previously. Nine percent (n = 8) had ongoing or recent Lyme borreliosis. Twenty-nine percent (n = 25) showed clinical symptoms and radiographic changes compatible with degenerative disorders of the cervical and/or lumbar spine. These patients were significantly older when compared to the other patients (59.3 +/- 13.7 years vs 46.1 +/- 17.2 years, p = 0.001). Seventeen percent (n = 16) had arthropathies related to psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. Twelve percent (n = 10) were positive for the HLA B27 antigen. Other diseases were less frequent. Six patients (7%) could not be diagnosed conclusively, and four of these patients had negative Borrelia immunoassay results. In conclusion, Borrelia-associated diseases were rare in this study. Differential diagnoses helped to initiate a successful disease-specific therapeutic strategy.
机译:莱姆病(Lyme borreliosis)的症状与多种自身免疫性肌肉骨骼疾病的症状相似。抱怨持续存在通常被解释为抗生素治疗与博雷利亚相关感染的方法失败。但是,这种难治性病例很少,重新评估鉴别诊断有助于避免长期抗生素治疗的重大风险。在这项研究中,我们分析了曾到我们风湿病科就诊的先前怀疑或诊断为莱姆病的患者。对3.5年期间的86例患者进行了评估。患者的平均年龄为49.2 +/- 17.2岁; 60%(n = 52)报告有a虫叮咬,而33%(n = 28)报告有红斑。 47%(n = 39)的酶联免疫测定结果和Western印迹阳性(Mikrogen,Martinsried,德国)。除12名患者外,其他所有患者先前均已接受抗生素治疗。百分之九(n = 8)的进行中或近期有莱姆病。 29%(n = 25)表现出与颈椎和/或腰椎退行性疾病相适应的临床症状和影像学改变。与其他患者相比,这些患者的年龄明显更大(59.3 +/- 13.7岁vs 46.1 +/- 17.2岁,p = 0.001)。 17%(n = 16)患有与牛皮癣或类风湿性关节炎相关的关节病。 HLA B27抗原有百分之十二(n = 10)呈阳性。其他疾病较少见。不能最终诊断出6例患者(7%),其中4例Borrelia免疫测定结果阴性。总之,在本研究中罕见的与疏螺旋体相关的疾病。鉴别诊断有助于启动成功的针对疾病的治疗策略。



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