首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Agronomy >Modelling regional-scale mass balances of phosphorus, cadmium and zinc fluxes on arable and dairy farms

Modelling regional-scale mass balances of phosphorus, cadmium and zinc fluxes on arable and dairy farms


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Accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils may cause serious problems for soil quality, groundwater and food chains. Based on the databases of the Swiss agricultural statistics and on data from experimental farms, we modelled regional-scale mass balances of phosphorus (P), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) and their uncertainties for a large number of arable and dairy farms in the northwest of Switzerland using the model PROTERRA-S. Large differences in P fertilization characteristics between these farm types were found. Crop demand for P on arable farms were primarily met through additions of inorganic fertilizers and sewage sludge, while on dairy farms the largest P input was provided by animal manure. Average model calculations predicted an enrichment between 0.8 and 1.9 g ha(-1) per year for Cd and between 76 and 525 g ha(-1) per year for Zn for soils of arable and dairy farms, respectively. Hence, according to our analyses, current agricultural land use is not sustainable in terms of soil quality standards. Predicted accumulation of Cd in soil was larger for arable crops than for grassland, while the opposite was true for Zn. Analyzing scenarios of changes in P fertilization management showed that Cd and Zn enrichment in soil was more sensitive to decreasing net P inputs to arable farms than to dairy farms. When uncertainty of input data was taken into account, large variances of the calculated accumulation rates were found. Coefficient of variation of the net fluxes ranged between 56 and 162% for Cd, and between 46 and 82% for Zn, and distribution functions of the net fluxes indicated that in some soils, particularly under grassland, also a depletion of Zn and Cd may occur. Hypothetical steady-state soil concentrations of Cd were estimated to exceed average soil threshold concentration on arable farms, while steady-state Zn concentrations in soils of dairy farms were on average below the corresponding threshold value. However, if the uncertainty of these Zn estimates was considered, a significant part of the distribution exceeded the threshold value. The results of our study demonstrate that information on variation in element balances is beneficial. Average flux balances alone do not provide sufficient information for an adequate assessment of sustainable land use.
机译:农业土壤中重金属的积累可能对土壤质量,地下水和食物链造成严重问题。基于瑞士农业统计数据库和实验农场的数据,我们对磷肥,镉镉和锌锌的区域规模质量平衡及其不确定性进行了建模,其中包括大量耕作和奶牛场使用模型PROTERRA-S在瑞士西北部制造。这些农场类型之间的磷肥特征存在很大差异。耕作农场对磷的需求主要通过添加无机肥料和污水污泥来满足,而奶牛场中最大的磷投入则由动物粪便提供。平均模型计算预测,耕地和奶牛场的土壤中Cd的年富集量分别为0.8至1.9 g ha(-1),Zn的年富集量分别为76至525 g ha(-1)。因此,根据我们的分析,就土壤质量标准而言,当前的农业用地是不可持续的。耕作作物的土壤中Cd的预测累积量大于草地,而Zn则相反。分析磷肥管理变化的情况表明,土壤中镉和锌的富集对可耕农场的净磷输入减少的敏感性高于对奶牛农场的敏感性。当考虑输入数据的不确定性时,发现计算出的累积率存在较大差异。镉的净通量变化系数介于56%和162%之间,锌的变异系数介于46%和82%之间,并且净通量的分布函数表明,在某些土壤中,尤其是草地下,锌和镉的消耗也可能会减少。发生。假设的耕地中假设的稳态Cd浓度超过平均土壤阈值浓度,而奶牛场中的稳态Zn浓度平均低于相应阈值。但是,如果考虑这些Zn估计值的不确定性,则分布的很大一部分都超过了阈值。我们的研究结果表明,有关元素平衡变化的信息是有益的。单靠平均通量余额并不能提供足够的信息来对可持续土地利用进行充分评估。



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