首页> 外文期刊>Endeavour: A Review of the Progress of Science and Technology in the Service of Mankind >The 'electric stroke' and the 'electric spark': Anatomists and eroticism at George Baker's electric eel exhibition in 1776 and 1777

The 'electric stroke' and the 'electric spark': Anatomists and eroticism at George Baker's electric eel exhibition in 1776 and 1777


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In 1776 and 1777 five living electric eels exhibited in London became a sensational spectacle that appealed to anatomists, electricians and connoisseurs of erotica. George Baker's exhibition made visible the 'electric spark' of the electrical eel and a series of experiments were both witnessed by and participated in by members of the Royal Society and the metropolitan elite. Some participants even grasped the eels firmly in their hands and felt the 'electric stroke' of the eel in addition to observing the spark. In their observation of the electric eel some of these spectators transposed the vivid electric spark from the sphere of electricians and anatomists into that of satirical and erotic literature. Here the erotic electric eel proliferated in the literature and the eel took on quite different connotations that nonetheless were reliant on readers knowledge and experience of the exhibition, experiments and the preoccupations of anatomists. George Baker's electric eel exhibition of 1776 and 1777 is then instructive in exploring the production and circulation of knowledge in Georgian Britain. The story of the electric eel in Georgian culture charts the creation of the electric spark and stroke as objects of observation and encounter, their exhibitionary context, and finally their divergent meanings as the electric eel became erotically charged for a metropolitan masculine elite.
机译:1776年和1777年,在伦敦展出的五个活鳗鱼成为轰动一时的奇观,吸引了解剖学家,电工和情色鉴定家。乔治·贝克(George Baker)的展览使电鳗的“电火花”可见,皇家学会和都会精英成员见证并参加了一系列实验。一些参与者甚至将鳗鱼牢牢地握在手中,并在观察到火花的同时感受到鳗鱼的“电击”。在观看电鳗时,其中一些观众将生动的电火花从电工和解剖学家的领域转换为讽刺文学和色情文学。在这里,色情鳗鱼在文学中激增,并且鳗鱼具有完全不同的含义,尽管如此,鳗鱼仍依赖于读者对展览,实验和解剖学家的了解和经验。乔治·贝克(George Baker)在1776年和1777年举行的电鳗展览会对探索格鲁吉亚英国知识的生产和流通具有指导意义。格鲁吉亚文化中的电鳗的故事描绘了作为观察和相遇对象的电火花和中风的产生,它们的展览背景以及最终的歧义,因为电鳗被大都市男性精英所色情。



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