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Use of geolocators reveals previously unknown Chinese and Korean scaly-sided merganser wintering sites


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We determined, for the first time, individual linkages between breeding areas of nesting female scaly-sided mergansers Mergus squamatus in the Russian Far East and their pre-viously unknown wintering grounds in coastal Korea and inland China. Geolocators were deployed on nesting females caught and recaptured on nests along a 40-km stretch of the Kievka River. Mean positions for brood-rearing females during the summer were on average within 61.9 km of the nest site, suggesting reasonable device accuracy for subsequent location of winter quarters. Geolocation data showed that most birds wintered on freshwater habitats throughout mainland China, straddling an area 830 km E-W and 1100 km N-S. Most wintered in discrete mountainous areas with extensive timber cover, large rivers and low human population density. Three birds tracked in more than one season returned to within 25-150 km of previous wintering areas in successive years, suggesting winter fidelity to catchments if not specific sites. A sine female from the adjacent Avvakumovka catchment wintered on saltwater in Korea, at least 1300 km east of Chinese wintering birds. Most sea duck species (Tribe Mergini) form pairs away from breeding areas, suggesting that this high level of winter dispersal amongst close-nesting females is a potential mechanism to maintain gene flow in this threatened species that has special-ist habitat requirements. Hence, female scaly-sided mergansers disperse widely from breeding areas, but show fidelity to nesting areas and winter quarters.
机译:我们首次确定了在俄罗斯远东地区的雌性鳞状秋沙鸭秋海棠(Mergus squamatus)的筑巢区域与它们在韩国沿海地区和中国内陆的过冬地点之间的个体联系。地理定位器部署在沿着基辅卡河40公里长的巢穴中捕获并重新捕获的雌巢中。夏季,育雏雌鸟的平均位置平均在巢点61.9公里以内,这表明以后冬季栖息地的设备精度合理。地理位置数据显示,大多数鸟类在整个中国大陆的淡水生境中越冬,横跨西南偏西830公里和南北偏西1100公里。大多数冬天在离散的山区过冬,那里有广泛的木材覆盖,大河和低人口密度。在一个以上的季节中追踪到的三只鸟连续几年回到了先前越冬地区的25-150公里以内,这表明即使不是特定地点,冬季对流域的保真度也很高。来自相邻的Avvakumovka流域的一名正弦雌性动物在韩国的咸水上越冬,距离中国越冬鸟类以东至少1300公里。大多数海鸭物种(Tribe Mergini)在繁殖区以外成对形成,这表明在高度嵌套的雌性中这种高水平的冬季散布是维持具有特殊栖息地要求的受威胁物种中基因流动的潜在机制。因此,雌性鳞鳞秋沙鸭从繁殖区广泛散播,但对巢区和冬季栖息地表现出忠诚。



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