首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science and Pollution Research >Use of EDTA in modified kinetic testing for contaminated drainage prediction from waste rocks: case of the Lac Tio mine

Use of EDTA in modified kinetic testing for contaminated drainage prediction from waste rocks: case of the Lac Tio mine

机译:EDTA在改进的动力学测试中用于预测废石污染的排水:Lac Tio矿的案例

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The tools developed for acid mine drainage (AMD) prediction were proven unsuccessful to predict the geochemical behavior of mine waste rocks having a significant chemical sorption capacity, which delays the onset of contaminated neutral drainage (CND). The present work was performed in order to test a new approach of water quality prediction, by using a chelating agent solution (0.03 M EDTA, or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) in kinetic testing used for the prediction of the geochemical behavior of geologic material. The hypothesis underlying the proposed approach is that the EDTA solution should chelate the metals as soon as they are released by sulfide oxidation, inhibiting their sorption or secondary precipitation, and therefore reproduce a worst-case scenario where very low metal attenuation mechanisms are present in the drainage waters. Fresh and weathered waste rocks from the Lac Tio mine (Rio tinto, Iron and Titanium), which are known to generate Ni-CND at the field scale, were submitted to small-scale humidity cells in control tests (using deionized water) and using an EDTA solution. Results show that EDTA effectively prevents the metals to be sorbed or to precipitate as secondary minerals, therefore enabling to bypass the delay associated with metal sorption in the prediction of water quality from these materials. This work shows that the use of a chelating agent solution is a promising novel approach of water quality prediction and provides general guidelines to be used in further studies, which will help both practitioners and regulators to plan more efficient management and disposal strategies of mine wastes.
机译:事实证明,开发用于酸性矿山排水(AMD)的工具无法成功预测具有显着化学吸附能力的矿山废石的地球化学行为,从而延迟了受污染的中性排水(CND)的发生。通过测试用于预测地质材料地球化学行为的动力学测试中的螯合剂溶液(0.03 M EDTA或乙二胺四乙酸)来测试水质预测的新方法,从而完成了当前工作。提出的方法的假设是,EDTA溶液应通过硫化物氧化释放出金属,使其螯合,抑制其吸附或二次沉淀,因此重现了最坏的情况,即金属中的金属衰减机制非常低。排水。来自Lac Tio矿山(里约热内卢,铁和钛)的新鲜风化废石,已知在田间规模上产生Ni-CND,在控制试验(使用去离子水)中使用EDTA解决方案。结果表明,EDTA有效地防止了金属被吸附或沉淀为次要矿物质,因此能够绕过与金属吸附相关的延迟,从而预测这些材料的水质。这项工作表明,使用螯合剂解决方案是一种有前途的水质预测新方法,并提供了可供进一步研究使用的一般指导方针,这将有助于从业者和监管者计划更有效的矿山废物管理和处置策略。



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